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Violette 10-17-2009 06:04 PM

Anyone into electronic music
I've long been a fan of it and have recently discovered deadmau5, Armin van Buuren, Sander van Doorn, etc. Over this summer I've made friends who go with me to shows and share a passion for the genre.
So just wondering if any other muddies have this interest. ;)

Delerak 10-17-2009 07:18 PM

Re: Anyone into electronic music
For sure. Some of my favorites are DJ Tiesto, Milk Inc, ATB/ATC, Warp Brothers, and many more.

Look up Halcyon On and On and On, it's a really old song that shows how techno got started.

There it is.

Violette 10-17-2009 08:39 PM

Re: Anyone into electronic music
That is the song that started it all for me, way back when it first came out.

Lol, you thought I was one of those noobs? :D

Have you been to any shows?

Delerak 10-17-2009 09:23 PM

Re: Anyone into electronic music
No. I wish. I wanna go to some of the trance concerts they have in Europe. I've seen videos on youtube that just boil the blood. I can only imagine the energy in places like this:

scandum 10-17-2009 09:45 PM

Re: Anyone into electronic music
I've always been fond of the work of Kraftwerk back in the 70s:

I think however that those who love listening to repetitive digital crap should come over to the dark side of repetitive acoustic crap:

MudMann 10-18-2009 02:35 PM

Re: Anyone into electronic music
I used to go to some of the standard commercial clubs.. I even working in Hacineda for a while. then a buddy of mine learned I was into this kind of music and took me out round manchester..

Down a side street, and there was a door.. paint peeling, couple of the biggest bouncers I have ever seen.. in we walk... rough as hell woman collecting money for tickets.. no thanks from her.. just a grunt.. upstairs and I 'feel' the thumping.. 3 flight of stairs and the thumping is more pronounced... the stairs are littered with resting people.. all nodding quietly in time to the thumping...

Then there are a pair of double door.. my buddy turns with a grin and says "Ready?" and then the doors open and a wave of noise and lights pours out like a tidal wave... the room is packed with movement... forget chatting.. this place has walls solid with bass bins..

All the dancers are there.. young ladies who clearly spend all their time dancing.. wearing nothing but bikini tops lost in the music.. the few men eying them up may as well forget it.. they are here for the music.. same with men... wearing just combat trousers.. heads shaved.. no tops.. everyone is lean muscle from dancing.

..and the music... my GOD... just imagine stuff like this (though this is very tame in comparison).. its all buildup and then explosion... again and again.. but none of it was chart stuff.. all white label..


you cant hear people cheering... the music is just too damned loud.

I was on water that night, I rarely drink, and defintly do NOT touch drugs.. but I could not sleep for over 36 hours.. I even ran 5 miles back to the halls of residence where we were staying I had so much energy..

Never been able to find the place again... and lost touch with my buddy

but to answer your exact question.. always been into elexctronic music... Jean Michele Jarre and Oxygen being my first reall dabble.. but the early music of Depeche Mode was also amngst my favourites, and ABC. My early 80's) favourites were probably Quadraphonia (Wave of the Future) and Sash

MudMann 10-18-2009 07:25 PM

Re: Anyone into electronic music
ok.. I am now regressing.. 1991... AWESOME dance tune

Sarias 10-19-2009 09:58 PM

Re: Anyone into electronic music
If I say that I'm into electronic music... that makes me a typical asian? :P

Luckily, I only dab here and there into electronic music. I sort of have to be in the mood, I guess. The only one I can really name is Armin van Buuren, though maybe I'll check out some of the artists that you guys are talking about.

rendekar 10-28-2009 02:47 PM

Re: Anyone into electronic music
i really like hol baumann's music..

and i think his music is something like an electronic influenced pysbient-ambient music

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