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imported_Synozeer 12-28-2002 06:18 PM

This morning the hard drive on the server died. Because of this, I've had to (and am still in the process of) reinstalling everything. The problem is that the last backups I had are a month old, so any messages posted in the last month are gone, as are any new database entries, ranking list accounts, reviews, etc. I'm very sorry about this, but due to the holidays and all I skipped over doing a recent backup.

Another complication is that the back-up I do have for the ranking list is partially corrupted. That is, none of the templates imported correctly (the info is all there though), which is why you see a different site design. I'm not sure if I'm going to work on the old design or set up a new design.

Next, I lost any mods I made to the forums, which included the forum topics updates, so I'll have to find those again and set them up.

There's lots more, but I got to get back to work and see how much else I can get back up today.


Ingham 12-28-2002 06:47 PM

HD crash is a really ****ty thing to happen ... Sorry to hear it....

Hope it all works out though, but if there's any way we can help...

Ranix 12-28-2002 07:06 PM

Next time worry about your .htaccess settings and NEVER allow indexing on your cgi-bin, Synoo.


imported_Synozeer 12-28-2002 07:29 PM

I didn't realize that I didn't have it disabled last time around (I already fixed it this time). But how would something like that cause the hard drive to break?


Ranix 12-28-2002 07:33 PM

It wouldn't, it's just something you have to be sure to fix RIGHT AFTER a crash of that magnitude or people can and will **** around with your page. 'Specially if it means getting a few extra n00bs on their site by making their mud number one, you know.


imported_Synozeer 12-29-2002 10:38 PM

Testing, please ignore.

imported_Synozeer 12-30-2002 01:04 AM

More testing. Ditto.

imported_Synozeer 12-30-2002 01:14 AM

Ntanel 01-24-2004 12:10 AM

Odd thing, the recent submissions box keeps showing old, non-edited discussions. Does it keep being updated by backups?

Samson 01-24-2004 08:20 AM

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