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Threshold 01-27-2009 05:12 PM

Netbooks - Serious Potential for MUDs?
With 14 million netbooks sold last year, I think the topic of gaming on netbooks is definitely one we should all think about.

I wrote an article recently about Netbooks vs. Laptops, but unfortunately I was not able to specifically address the issue of gaming on Netbooks. I hope to write something about that in the future. The article I wrote is here:

I think web games, MUDs, and that type of lower-tech game can really benefit from the Netbook craze. If your game can run in a browser, it can most likely run on a Netbook. That is a huge chunk of customers that cannot play games like WoW, for example.

While 4+ hour gaming sessions are unlikely on a Netbook, catching up on in game mails, doing a little fighting, or just hanging out/chatting with your MUD buffies are all very viable activities via a netbook.

What do you all think?

MikeRozak 01-27-2009 05:24 PM

Re: Netbooks - Serious Potential for MUDs?
Netbooks are an important form factor for all games, not just MUDs. At the moment, Netbooks don't have very good 3D graphics, so most games are ignoring them, but this year's crop will have greatly improved 3D.

Threshold 01-27-2009 10:23 PM

Re: Netbooks - Serious Potential for MUDs?
The thing is, no matter how good the 3d support gets, the small screen is going to limit the performance of your traditional graphical MMO.

Whereas web based games or MUDs are fine with a smaller amount of screen space.

Also, considering how badly most MMOs run even on desktops (except WoW), I'm doubting they are going to run well on netbooks anytime soon.

Newworlds 01-28-2009 01:22 AM

Re: Netbooks - Serious Potential for MUDs?
I think you are right on target. Any genre, architecture, or medium that can bring more players to MUDs is a definate plus.

MikeRozak 01-28-2009 01:23 AM

Re: Netbooks - Serious Potential for MUDs?
That's one of the comments I posted on MUD-DEV2, warning MMORPG developers that (a) there are 14+ million netbooks now, and (b) MMORPG gameplay and UI has to change because of such small screen size.

I got the feeling (from the silence) that they don't see netbooks as important...

Personally, I see them as a paradigm shift, just like the PC was a paradigm shift in the 90's.

In the 90's, "the new paradigm" was a PC on every desk and an every home (in the 1st world).

The paradigm that is emerging is a netbook for every person (in the 1st world), and every home (in the 3rd world). Netbooks are obvious candidates for students, business people, and travellers - which is around 50% of the population. They're also candidates for people that don't want to shell out much money for a computer because they only use it for Email, photos, skype, etc.

Newworlds 01-28-2009 10:58 AM

Re: Netbooks - Serious Potential for MUDs?
Stop worrying about the graphics.

Our Advertising Motto now at Netbook sites:

No need for graphics for in depth game play - Get Serious with your Gaming, Go Text, Go MUD! (TM)

Zhiroc 01-28-2009 11:21 AM

Re: Netbooks - Serious Potential for MUDs?
It's not just netbooks... MMOGs are also for the most part completely ignoring the console market (perhaps with a somewhat better reason... I don't own a console, btw). I rarely go to the mall nowadays, but recently I was looking for a PC title, and went to a Gamestop. I was amazed at how little space they gave to PC games--I felt like I was perusing a bargain bin. They had about six linear feet of wall space for them, and the rest was for consoles (about 20-25 times that). PC games were in a rack in the middle of the floor, and some looked rather aged.

Luckily, Amazon hasn't seem to cut back, and big box stores like Best Buy still seem to have a good deal of floor space devoted to them.

Threshold 01-28-2009 01:02 PM

Re: Netbooks - Serious Potential for MUDs?
Well, 99% of all MMO developers are too focused on figuring out how to make the next WoW clone. They can't be bothered to think outside the box.

Heck, that's why most of them still think subscriptions are a good idea.

Telelion 01-28-2009 06:34 PM

Re: Netbooks - Serious Potential for MUDs?
That makes netbook users that much better a potential source of players, doesn't it? Putting MUD ads near netbook sales is a great idea.

Threshold 01-28-2009 07:35 PM

Re: Netbooks - Serious Potential for MUDs?
Indeed. I wrote a blog post about this today because the whole netbook gaming platform issue really interests me.

I can't help but feel maybe MUDs are getting a bit of a second chance to garner some interest. I don't know the best way to do that though. Any ideas?

scandum 01-28-2009 10:04 PM

Re: Netbooks - Serious Potential for MUDs?
I doubt this will work, people will just play the browser based games or save the gaming till they can get behind a PC.

I'd say the blind market is the best way for muds to establish themselves permanently, but that'd require a popular site dedicated to resources for blind mudders.

A google search for 'games blind' presents a site offering yathzee, blackjack, and battleship.. with an eloquent speech synthesizer as the #1 resource. There's a wide open market there if someone is willing to make an effort.

dasy2k1 06-06-2010 11:19 AM

Re: Netbooks - Serious Potential for MUDs?
i play NWA from both my desktop and my netbook.....
the main problem is the lack of a number pad.... think, how many people here macro their number pad to movement
mines even macrod differently depending on whether numlock is on or off! (land and sea)

as for the blind market NWA has a lot of blind players but there could possibly be some more publicity about this

08-05-2010 08:05 PM

Re: Netbooks - Serious Potential for MUDs?

I've never used my numpad for movement.



That's where I keep my long list of spell-up alias' at. One character, over thirty spell-ups from dual class and invokable items. Makes it hard to remember to turn off macros when I have to log on using Orrin's java connector (which I love. Just wish I could select more than one line of text.)


However, I would love to use a netbook if I could actually use one at work. Silly district manager doesn't want wifi. So I have to suffer from internet withdrawal while I'm a work. I have way to much work to do. Bills to pay, groceries to buy herb gardens to grow.


Though, while I'm in the mood for wishing for things. It would be nice to have a tablet devoted just for mudding with a screen just big enough to see. *ponder* One hundred and fifty character width, 400 heighth. Of course, with my luck, a tablet has a screen which is bigger. Maybe I should actually look at one again and check prices.

Newworlds 08-05-2010 10:20 PM

Re: Netbooks - Serious Potential for MUDs?

KaVir 08-06-2010 05:29 AM

Re: Netbooks - Serious Potential for MUDs?
Well there's already . It'd be nice to see some regular mud listings offering a "blind friendly" option though, perhaps even add it as an MSSP variable.

Yester 10-20-2010 12:54 AM

Re: Netbooks - Serious Potential for MUDs?
I myself play from my Netbook that runs Linux. Perhaps advertising on netbook sites and Linux websites and forums could be a viable option? I have seen a lot of interest for MUDs on the Ubuntu Forums. Especially since most modern Linux distros have at least one MUD client in their repos.

Threshold 11-22-2011 12:15 AM

Re: Netbooks - Serious Potential for MUDs?
Tablets with nice docking stations/keyboards have started to fill in this void as well lately.

The with its awesome docking station/keyboard/case along with Blowtorch for Android (a MUD/telnet client) makes for a totally awesome hyper portable mud machine.

Tristan1992 11-22-2011 12:29 PM

Re: Netbooks - Serious Potential for MUDs?
I've met 2 blind mudders so far. Another big thing seems to be mudding via cell phone although what I hear is that the tiny screen makes it difficult for anything but chatting or routine "money runs".

Threshold 11-22-2011 12:49 PM

Re: Netbooks - Serious Potential for MUDs?
We have a lot of players who play on their smart phones. It always amazes me.

KaVir 11-22-2011 03:42 PM

Re: Netbooks - Serious Potential for MUDs?
I've met quite a few, but recently I met a player who was both blind and playing in a foreign language! That must have been hard with the screen reader, but he managed very well.

It's a matter of practice I think. BlowTorch (an Android client) allows you to configure multiple button sets, and I know some people use it to play fairly effectively. Bedlam offers its own graphical iPhone client, which allows you to play without typing lots of text.

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