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Seth 04-22-2002 11:14 AM

I think most of us have overactive fantasies, that sometimes includes dreaming about being our character. Suppose you would fantasize about this, what kind of weapon would you use?

KaVir 04-22-2002 11:37 AM

I couldn't see an option for "the soggy end of my victims severed limbs". Not sure what would be the closest match. Any suggestions?

Seth 04-22-2002 11:56 AM


How else are you going to slice th limb off?

Yui Unifex 04-22-2002 12:13 PM

I prefer the naginata, or bladed staff.  It's the weapon the girl in my profile is holding.  Here's a so you can see the shaft, which is a tad obscured by the buxom cyborg.

Long enough to give a range advantage, and bladed enough to hurt!

f451 04-22-2002 12:22 PM

Apparently, I am the only pacifist this far. My old knight havent made a kill in a bit over a year and a half or so.

Before that, I loved to use the plain old chopsticks that was free for grabbing at the garbage heap. Another favourite in my hack and slash days was the Stormbringer sword in that mud.

Neranz Laverani 04-22-2002 01:22 PM

Seth 04-22-2002 02:05 PM

Aye, I know.... Polls only accept 10 options. My first list had about 50, including 5 different kinds of nuclear-based weapons

Molly 04-22-2002 05:21 PM

I usually play thieves, so consequently I prefer the dagger and the backstab as a mort.

As an imm I fancy the 'slay <victim> xwife' option.
(Molly whips out the rotting leg of Colin's ex-wife and beats <victim> to death with it.)

So naturally I refuse to take any part at all in this silly poll.
*folds her arms stubbornly, and sits down in a corner, sulking*

Kyandra 04-22-2002 09:07 PM

Suggest next time you use classes like edged weapons, ie, swords, dagger; crushing weapons, ie, maces, hammers.

evil grin

my weapon of choice in real life would be a falchion. combine the weight of a crushing weapon with the sharp edge of a sword.

but then i have an evil side.

Seth 04-23-2002 01:27 AM

Eagleon 04-23-2002 01:35 AM

smadronia 04-23-2002 02:20 AM

Generally I prefer swords or throwing stars, or daggers. In an ideal world I'd pack a katana and a set of throwing stars. I used to be somewhat proficient with a set of stars, but it was many years ago and I was a kid... I wonder where they went.

Shao_Long 04-23-2002 05:32 AM

Kyandra 04-23-2002 09:35 AM

Age and treachery will overcome youth and skill (almost) every time.


Morning Stars take a bit more skill to use, not to hit yourself in the family jewels.

A real sharp falchion can behead a man without the strength needed to do it with a typical edged weapon.

Kyandra 04-23-2002 09:37 AM

Age and treachery will overcome youth and skill (almost) every time.


Morning Stars take a bit more skill to use, not to hit yourself in the family jewels.

A real sharp falchion can behead a man without the strength needed to do it with a typical edged weapon.

Dionae 04-23-2002 12:41 PM

I would have chosen dagger. What can I say, I play too many thieves... Instead, I had to settle for weapons of mass destruction. Something along the lines of for mort c 'p w k' #

Nah, I'm not that evil...

Mia 04-24-2002 02:47 AM

I'm a simple girl...I like the good ol' dagger that will fit in discreet places...I mean seriously...How is a girl supposed to fit a 6ft broadsword in her purse?

Shao_Long 04-24-2002 10:47 AM

Yui Unifex 04-24-2002 11:04 AM

Easy.  Use a very large purse. =)

But that's an interesting scenario -- us members of the opposite sex raise more suspicion carrying around a purse than we do a sharpened weapon.

Is that like a common trait amongst females??

Mia 04-24-2002 11:22 AM

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