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tofit 09-28-2004 06:45 PM

Somewhere in the trees of Nowhere, a dense tropical forest,
a small goblin tribe dwells in a series of caves along the rocky half of the forest. Gorbo sits at the cave enterance breaking rocks to make good arrows for the hunter Barung. Gorbo doesn't like to do this nasty work because it bleeds his fingers. The only reason Gorbo does this task for Barung is for the sourberry wine Barung can make.

Gorbo sits there at the cave enterance, the cave is too stuffy, and the other goblins just want to make trouble for Gorbo. 'Gorbo do this... Gorbo GO! Gorbo Gorbo Gorbo....
He is the youngest goblin able to work and do chores for the tribe. The goblin kinder are worse then them old lazy lumps cluttering up the cave. They bite and tease, and throw sharp objects at Gorbo. Gorbo stays away from all of them down there when he's up at the cave enterence. Goblins are cave dwelling creatures that dispise the light, its too bright. Light is not so bad for Gorbo, its better then being down in that dank cave.

CRACK! Gorbo breaks his rock cracking tool. A long shard breaks off. 'This is gud enough to make a knife for stabbing.'
Gorbo gazes at his new rock knife, his olive colored eyes studying it. 'Will stab kinder for throwing stuff at Gorbo.'
Gorbo rubs his leg wound from where a small javalin was removed. 'Stupid kinder'

'Where is Barung, been gone all morning' Barung only hunts during the break of dawn, he never stays past mid-day, sun too bright for goblin's liking. Gorbo becomes agitated and cuts his finger with the knife. Sucking on the blood Gorbo looks into a small puddle in the rock. Gorbo's head is shaped like a big squash plant. His forhead has a tribal mark etched in; a long knife runs from the forhead through each eyelid, dyed with pigment from red berries. His skin was an olive green color, a bit darker then his olive eyes. Hes young for a goblin about 18 years old. Hes got a medium sized body and a little muscle from doing hard work in the cave.

Gorbo finishes up sucking on his finger, when he hears a loud raspy voice "Gorbooooo..... " It was Minkta, the tribal shaman. Minkta is Barung's wif... eh goblins dont get married. Minkta is Barung's witch, yea that is better word.

tofit 09-28-2004 07:27 PM

Minkta ascends from the cave, calling 'Gorbo' every step she takes. 'Gorbo you puke smellin frik.' Gorbo looks behind him to see Minkta materialize from the shadows. Gorbo groans in frustration. 'Minkta needs you down, GO down with Minkta!'
Gorbo would rather smell puke then be around Minkta. She smells like rotten fish and eggs mixed with poop. She hobbles around carrying her load of fat, and all those big warts covering her body. Minkta rests her arm on Gorbo's sholder, sending a wave of nasty egg smell to his nose. Gorbo moved away from Minkta and lowered his eyebrows. Gorbo wailed, 'Gorbo tinks its easier to walk down then up, Minkta walk herself down.' Minkta scowled 'I will fester your wound and sever your leg!' Gorbo walked Minkta down approximately five steps of stairs leading him to Minkta's section of the cave.

Gorbo entered the cavern. The cave isn't very big; Minkta's section is the biggest room. The room is furnished with only a table made of a semi-rotting tree trunk, it stands crookedly in the far corner of the room. Smaller sections lead deeper into the cavern. Thats were Moka and Peeko live. Moka and Peeko should have the big cavern, they have the most stuff. They steal goodies from travelers dumb enough to camp in our forest. Minkta gets the big room because she cant have a big fire deeper in the cave. She makes animal dung into smelly fire, but doesnt smell as bad as Minkta.

Minkta sat down on a ridge in the corner of the cave, and rested her feet on the table. Gorbo could hear the kinder playing deeper in the cave. Minkta had five kinder, that makes up half of the population in the tribe. Minkta beckoned Gorbo, 'Sit down, let Minkta see Gorbo's leg.' Minkta was the tribal shaman, but Gorbo thinks she doesn't know anything.
Gorbo sat down on the ridge and put his leg up. Gorbo's wound had crusted over nicely. Minkta picked up a sharp meat bone and dug into the wound, re-opening it. Gorbo grunted. After clearing out the crust Minkta spit in it. Minkta thinks Minkta spit is cure for everything, because she is Shaman. Minkta looks up at Gorbo with her dark eyes glaring; Gorbo had his attention set on the kinder that just entered the room. SMACK! Minkta's hand wacked Gorbo in the nose, making it bleed. Gorbo glared at Minkta. Minkta scowled, 'Pay attention, Gorbo need to do something.'

tofit 09-28-2004 11:25 PM

Minkta picked up an empty pine flask and held it upside down. 'Minkta is all out of sourberry for making wine'
A bone flew across the room, the kinder looking up in fear at Minkta. Minkta glared at the kinder, and screamed, 'You lumps of poop, Minkta will beat you!' Minkta's odor became stronger as she angered. Gompa, the kinder who threw da javilin at Gorbo, was chewing on a bone with a sly grin on his face. Minkta quickly glanced back to her flask, and put her face in it. Minkta talked into the mug 'Gorbo, go get Minkta more sourberries, OR YOU GET NO wine.' His leg was on fire, but Gorbo is pretty pain tolerant. He didn't want to go out into the light, but getting away from stinky Minkta didnt sound so bad. Gompa was watching Gorbo with a devilish look in his eye. When Gorbo met his gaze, Gompa pulled the bone out of his mouth revealing a sharp tip. As Gorbo walked closer to him Gompa raised his arm ready to strike. Gorbo was much faster, he grabed his new knife and drew a line of blood along Gompa's neck and held it. Gompa squealed in dismay. Gorbo heard a loud clatter behind him, he turned around  to see .... Minkta holding a broomstick WACCKK! 'Get out! GO! GO get SOURBERRIES. Tell Barung to get back with meat! Minkta hungry!!' Gorbo quickly got out of reach from the broomstick. Minkta threw him a bag, advanced on him and screamed, "GO GET OUT" Gorbo quickly ran out of the cave.

It took some time to adjust to the light, its too bright. The air smelled of mold, and decay. It was a sweet scent to Gorbo's big nostrils. Gorbo wiped the blood from his nose. 'Smelly cave, Gorbo will get out, get out for good.' Gorbo's stomach rumbled, he hadnt eaten anything all day. Now he has to walk all the way to the river to get sourberries. Its a few miles from the cave. Gorbo rarely ever had to get sourberries. Barung usually finishes the hunt early and collects the sourberries. A rabbit ran in front of Gorbo, and down the hill.
'If I had a javilin dat wud be lunch' Gorbo grumbled.  Gorbo continued down the hill untill he came to the clearing.

This was the valley, in the middle of Nowhere forest. Sourberry trees grew among the tall grass, and weeds.
Gorbo spotted a forest moose, a heavy set animal with horns and light brown fir. It was feeding off some tall weeds.
Then Gorbo spotted Barung next to a sourberry tree. Gorbo ran up to him; Barung was lying on the ground with his skull cap next to his head, his tongue was sticking out dripping blood. Gorbo's head flung up as he heard the stamping moose hooves running towards him. Gorbo quickly ran behind the tree. The moose ran around the tree, and struck Gorbo in the chest with its horns. Gorbo wrestled with the moose tring to keep it from crushing his chest. The moose pushed him up against the tree with massive force. Though the moose couldn't get a tight enough squeeze on him because his horns were catching on a branch. Gorbo grabbed his new knife from his belt and struck the moose in its eye. The moose stepped back and fell , flailing itself on the ground in pain.
Gorbo was filled with adrenaline, he quickly climbed up the tree. The moose quickly stood back up and looked around angrily through its one eye, its entire body twitching in rage.
It stamped around looking for Gorbo. Gorbo was glad to be in the tree. The moose was angry it couldn't find Gorbo, so it began to stamp on Barung in rage. Gorbo only poked out the moose eye, it wasn't a fatal blow. How long will Gorbo be in tree, Gorbo doesnt know.

tofit 09-29-2004 02:25 AM

Gorbo watched the moose, as it attacked the tree with its antlers. Gorbo could hardly climb up out of the way, his arm battered from the moose. Gorbo was glad to be up safe in the tree. He laughed with glee, throwing berries at the half blind moose. This only ****ed the moose off worse, it began striking the tree with its hooves. 'Frik, haha, Gorbo up here.'
Gorbo threw another berry at it. 'Think you can climb tree huh'
The Moose lost interest and wandered over to the weeds and started eating. Gorbo notices that Barung shot moose in front leg. Gorbo yells, 'GAH Gorbo cud hit better then that.' Gorbo, threw another berry at it hitting it in the head. Gorbo laughs so hard he looses his balance and falls out of the tree. The moose stamped, and turned around and began to charge; Gorbo got up, and faced the moose and screamed as it charged towards him. Gorbo ran to the tree; the moose lost sight of Gorbo and crashed into the tree. Gorbo climbed back up the tree before the moose could recover. Gorbo felt a tinge in his leg, and noticed his wound festered; his arm was severely sore; his nose hurts; his stomach rumbled. Gorbo rubed his tummy, and the moose fell dead.

Gorbo was scared the moose was only pretending. He stayed up in the tree where its safe. Gorbo could see the river from his branch; and the sun was setting. There was more smells around here. Goblins have very strong noses. Gorbo could smell many different smells: The moose, and some smelly plants; he could barely smell the musty forest, and tried to block out the fresh river smell..... he could also smell something familiar.....

Kinnith 09-29-2004 04:48 AM

You know, its pretty good, other than saying Gorbo so many damned times. Made me feel as if I was back in 4th Grade.

tofit 09-29-2004 01:45 PM

Gotta keep my mind like a gobbies to keep writing about em.

tofit 09-29-2004 02:33 PM

It took Gorbo some time to remember those familiar smells. Gorbo smells.... sourberries... and....eeww.. Barung...*Sniff Sniff* 'Mokaa' *Sniff* 'Peeko'
Gorbo climbs down the tree. Peeko and Moka always leave for the night.
Gorbo called 'how-wup' Peeko and Moka started running in his direction howling back wildly at the moon. Peeko and Moka are brothers in their mid twenties, they claim no relation to Minkta. Peeko's room is mostly copper, so is his hair, Moka's room is mostly lead, he has no hair. Moka gets to Gorbo first, 'Gorbo Gorbo.' Then he notices Barung and the moose lying dead next to each other. Moka laughs like a hyenaa 'hip hip- hip hawawawa.. hic hic hehehe. Moka swings on a branch, still laughing as Peeko arrives. *crack* The branch breaks, Moka falls down on his face, he looks up to see Barung's dead eyes staring at him. Peeko says 'What happened to that Barung?' Moka started laughing again. Gorbo grined 'the moose got em.'

Gorbo started a small fire, while Peeko and Moka gathered enough wood to cook the moose. Gorbo went over to the moose, and prepared to skin it. Gorbo had never cut a moose before. The neck is probally the best place to start, Gorbo thought. Gorbo started to make the cut, but cut his finger badly instead. The moose groaned and started to get up. Wincing in pain Gorbo punched the moose in the nose. The moose tried to recover from its slumber, but refused to fall back down. Peeko and Moka saw Gorbo fighting the moose, and jumped into the action. They punched and kicked the Moose as it stumbled around flailing and shaking its head around as if dizzy. Moka started yelling 'get down, get down, get down' Gorbo drew his knife up and confidently slit its neck, the moose fell over.

Gorbo took his knife and cut from the neck down all the way to the belly. Peeko stood up and growled 'Your not suppose to cut it there.' Moka howled in rage, still twitching from the battle. Gorbo complained 'The guts on the ground aint they, so frik it, or else you dont get a cut.' Peeko being much older then Gorbo was infuriated. Peeko ran up to Gorbo and grabbed his neck and growled 'Watch it, or ill stick a bolt in you.' Gorbo stared Peeko in his dark eyes. Peeko is high strung, and afraid hes going to loose his position, Peeko would kill to keep his pride. Gorbo growled back holding his knife to Peeko's belly, 'You watch it.' Peeko breathed heavily, he was pondering when to shoot Gorbo. Gorbo started to smell that stinky plant again. Peeko lowered his eyes and started breathing slower. 'You smell that' Peeko and Gorbo said together. Just then some shrubery caught on fire. Moka giggled and started dancing around the fire. Peeko scowled 'look at all the smoke, everyone outside the forest will know of us.' A wave of smoke blew over Peeko and Gorbo still standing in the light of the fire.

tofit 09-29-2004 03:29 PM

Peeko stood there angry and paranoid. 'If anyone travels here tonight we'll all be skinned.' Peeko grumbled. He drew a scimitar from his belt and started to cut down the burning bushes with ease. Peeko began sneezing heavily from the smoke. Moka jumped on them tring to put them out. Peeko slapped Moka in the head with the side of his scimitar. Moka fell down into the burning coals from the bushes, and his rags caught fire. Peeko started laughing histarically. Moka rolled around howling, tring to put out the fire. Eventually he ran to the river to sooth his burns.

Gorbo sat by the fire roasting a stick of meat. Gorbo could smell the roasting meat, mixed with the smoke from the smelly plants. Peeko sat there roasting a rib over the fire, cursing to himself. 'Its all Moka's fault, he ruined it.'
Gorbo couldnt wait to eat, he stuck a chunk of meat in his mouth. 'MMMMMm... this meat tastes gud, can taste that smelly plant; Moka didnt ruin.' Peeko squinted at Gorbo, 'Moka ruined chances of finding travelers tonight.' Peeko grunted, 'Gimme sum meat.' Gorbo held his food away from Peeko, 'Eat yer own' Gorbo scowled. Peeko grimiced, and picked up some of the half burnt bushes and threw them in the fire. The fire shot up, throwing many pieces of burning leaves high up in the air. Gorbo almost fell off his rock watching them fly. Peeko started cackeling for no apparent reason. 'Peeko feels different... shud feel angry at Moka.'
Gorbo grunted in agreement, 'Gorbo feels different too, me thinks its that smelly plant.' Peeko sniffed his meat and licked his lips.

Gorbo spotted Moka running through the clearing from the river. Moka arrived panting heaviliy, with a worried look on his face. Moka said rasply, 'Moka smells halflings.'

tofit 09-29-2004 06:05 PM

Gorbo sniffed the air. 'Gorbo smells ...' Peeko cut him off, 'Moka dont smell no friken halflings, Moka smells cooking meat.' Moka grined looking at the roasting ribs, and drooled.
Moka jumped out of his gaze and turned to Peeko, 'No, Moka smelled halflings.' Gorbo took a bite of his meat 'I smell this meat...mmm....' Moka jumped over to the meat and started sucking on it while it was still roasting. Moka started screaming, his mouth on fire. Gorbo looked up, waiting for Peeko's reaction, but Peeko was missing; Moka was running for the river.

Gorbo got a rush of adrenaline, he sniffed the air heavily and smelled halflings. Gorbo grabbed his knife and stood there looking around waiting for action. He looked over to the river, and saw the tall weeds shaking. Peeko howled 'BOOOOoo- BWOW. Peeko fired his crossbow and his bolt hit the ground.
Two halflings had been spying on them in the bushes. Moka heard his brother, and ran into the bushes catching a halfling in the face with his fist. Moka was as surprised as the halfling was. The halfling was out cold. Peeko drew his scimitar as the halfling stabbed him in his thigh. 'EEEAGGH' Peeko faltered as he slashed his scimitar at the halfling the blade scratched the halflings dagger hand. Gorbo heard Peeko fighting and ran to to the fight screaming. The halfling dropped his dagger instantly, and ran. Gorbo arrived to see Peeko kneeling, and bleeding. Gorbo was filled with rage, he ran out of the weeds into the bank of the river. The halfling was nowhere to be found. Gorbo turned around to see Moka dragging an unconscious halfling out of the foilage.

tofit 09-29-2004 08:02 PM

The halfling groaned lightly. Moka screamed and began kicking it fiercely, 'AAAHHGAAAH!' Gorbo ran over to the halfling and turned it on its belly, so its face was to the ground. Gorbo looked up to Moka, 'do you have a rope in your pack.' Moka nodded his head with an evil grin. Moka rummaged through his pack, singing with his squealy voice...'Ho Ho Halflin stew, goblins gonna cook you up, and torture yoou tooo..' Moka drooled and cackled. Peeko limped into view. Moka yelled, 'Lookie what I found.'  Peeko arrived as Gorbo finished tieing up the halfling. Peeko growled 'Wheres the other?' Gorbo sniffed the air, 'Ah, must of got away.. he wont be gone for long, we got his friend.'

Gorbo picked up the halfling and set him down next to the fire. The goblins watched carefully as they ate and talked.
The halfling was about middle age with a brown gotee, and a shaved head. He looked fairly tough for a halfling, he showed no fear towards the goblins. Peeko licked his fingers, 'Sneaky halflings, what wud they be up to in our forest in the dark of night.' Peeko gave Gorbo a puzzled look, 'The halfling village.. its a days walk from the river' Peeko studied the jagged dagger that pierced his thigh. Gorbo growed, 'He dont have any gold, or supplies.'

Moka jumped over to the halfling and started yelling in his face, 'wut you doin in my forest? Got any gold? Wheres your mule? Whose yo momma?' The halfling just glared into Moka's ugly face. Peeko kicked Moka, Gorbo got up, kicking Moka too. Gorbo hates when they bring up that subject. Peeko and Moka always joke with Gorbo about who his real mother is. Moka said cackling, 'Gorbo momma so nasty she breeds locust from her butt with maggots in her teeth, breedin flys all over the place.... and his Daddy was killed by a moose.' Moka started rolling on the ground laughing. Gorbo kicked Moka, 'Barung is not my Daddy' Peeko and Moka laughed teasingly. Peeko stopped laughing and choked out,'Peeko's momma kidnapped a halfling and brought it down to her lair, then tied em up and tortured him with her leather armor and whip.' Peeko snickered, 'Then her throat was slit in her sleep.' Moka added, 'And Gorbo's daddy is stalking some bearded dwarf gurl he saw at the halfling freak show.' Gorbo replied, 'Yer momma Minkta, she frikin stinkta cave up; breedin tiny toadstools on her feet, and lice in her bodyhair.' Moka let out a half laugh, and got an idea...'We should let Minkta have her way with the halfling; maybe he will tell us where the gold is.'

tofit 09-30-2004 12:03 AM

The halfling is from a small village of halflings on the east side of the river, past some big valley. He spends most of his days traveling, collecting special herbs and roots, necessities for wizards and shamans. His name is Tofit. Tofit was having a stream of bad luck.

He's been having trouble finding a good supply of a very special herb ,the wizzards call it esswein. The herb is known to enhance your healing rate, and enhance your perception. Wizards use it because it provides their mind with enough nutrition to cast many spells. Shamans like it because it brings them more attune with natures lifeforce.

The orcs raided a farm closer to his village. Orcs have their own swamp weed. It pretty much keeps them on their arses. Tofit ran out of esswein, in a short time. His seeds wont produce for another 13 weeks. Some of the best stuff grows within that valley next to the river. Its potency is said to be due to the mountain, and the river. On the other side of the mountain is the dwarven caves; its the main flow of commerce throughout the entire region. They mine gold dust, silver, and all the other major ores.

Tofit is glad this little valley is still a well kept secret. He was planning on gathering good seeds for enhancing the potency of his crop, and enough of the good stuff to keep the wizards happy, and keep him supplied till the next crop came in. He brought his friend Bob-O to help him carry it all back.

Tofit left his sword behind, figured he could just steal a scimitar from the goblins; his sword is pretty expensive, and he doesnt want it to have healing powers. They couldnt carry much back this trip, so Bob-O figured his dagger would suffice.
Bob-O thought nothing could go wrong, hes with a rogue; Bob-O is just a farmer, he figured he might learn something from Tofit.

Tofit's pretty good at getting himself out of sticky situations.
In his business he deals with some of the Top wizards around.

tofit 09-30-2004 01:14 AM

Tofit had an idea. He needed to get the goblins attention. 'Hey goblins', Tofit called. The three goblins turned to the halfling, with a scowl on their face. 'Im a wealthy trader, twas picking up a product, when we bumped into you.' Gorbo's eyebrow raised in interest, 'what product?' he said. Moka chimed in, 'Wheres the gold, take us NOW!' his eyes filled with greed.
Tofit raised his eyebrows and glanced at the goblins, 'I can get you alot of gold.' Peeko's eyes widened, then turned dark; he slammed the halfling to the ground, 'This better not be a trick.' he growled putting his scimitar to his face.

Gorbo asked, 'What are you looking for here?' Moka growled, 'He wanted a fight.' 'No, I came unarmed.' Tofit enforced. 'I was gathering herbs to sell, I can fetch some nice gold for the plants in this valley.' Peeko growled, 'This is our valley.' Tofit cracked a grin, 'Thats why Im going to cut you in on the profit.' Peeko still looked skeptical, and Gorbo was wondering about the plant. Tofit continued, 'Orcs raided my farm and took all my crops; I need a supply to please my clients.' Peeko scratched his head unsure where this was leading. 'So how do we get the gold?' Tofit pondered for a second, 'I figured there was no need for gold on this mission. All I needed to get was a couple bags full of those weeds over there.'

The three goblins huddled together and whispered their plans.
Peeko whispered, 'He could lead us back to his village, and get his gold.' Gorbo thought it out, 'Peekos leg is injured, you cant walk back.' Peeko had forgot about his thigh wound, he looked down and checked his bandage and saw it was still lightly bleeding. Peeko grunted, 'Uh, forgot bout that.'
Gorbo spoke out, 'Gorbo can take halfling back to village, it will be light by the time we get there.' Moka grimaced, 'Moka, no go out in light... Moka will sleep.' yawned Moka.

tofit 09-30-2004 02:05 PM

Gorbo walked back over to Tofit. 'Gorbo will go back with halfling, and bring back gold.' Gorbo untied Tofit's hands, while Moka loomed over the two of them. 'Moka will make sure halfling doesnt try to get away.' 'Theres no need for that, Im going to make a deal with you.' said Tofit, rubbing his wrists to get the circulation back. 'Now, I need to cut down about ten plants, and put em in two sacks. I seem to only have one sack, do you have one.' Tofit said, glancing up at Moka. Moka growled at Tofit. Gorbo cut him off, 'Give em a sack warthog!' Moka scowled 'Eaaaah' pulling a sack from his pack.

Gorbo grabbed up the sack, 'What me cuttin' he asked.
Tofit pointed to the weeds, near the river. Peeko stood up and squealed, 'The halfling tricks us......Ung.' Peeko collapsed grasping his thigh. Tofit pulled some leaves from the esswein plant, and brought them too Peeko. 'Chew this up and apply it to your wound, its a healing aid, and a good one at that.' Peeko grabbed the leaves from Tofits hand and sniffed it suspiciously. 'This smelly dung?' Peeko scowled. 'This is no dung, its one of the most potent herbs in the kingdom. Its in high demand by wizards and shamans.' Peeko put the leaves in his mouth and chewed them up. Peeko immediately felt the effects, and a wide smile crossed his face. 'Dis taste like sourwine.' Peeko said spitting leaves from his mouth as he talked. Moka scratched his head, 'Maybe Minkta like shaman weed.' Peeko cackled, 'Minkta no shaman, thinks Minkta spit is good for everything.' Peeko spit out the chewed leaves in his hand and put them in his wound. Instantly his thigh started to tingle, and his blood clotted.

Tofit was showing Gorbo which plants to cut, and where to cut them. 'Look at these two plants.' Tofit said, showing him two similar plants. Gorbo wasn't sure where this was going.
'They pretty much look the same, but actually they are two different plants.' Gorbo blinked not noticing any difference.
'One is the herb we must collect, and the other is a poison.' Tofit explained. Gorbo grew suspicous, and looked over to Peeko who was cackling with Moka. Tofit grined, 'Can you tell which one is which?' Gorbo stared at the two plants; one plant seemed to shimmer in the moonlight, the other had a darker tint. Gorbo touched the shimmering plant, 'Dat one?' he asked. Tofit snickered, 'Even a goblin could figure it out... No offense' he stammered. 'Go ahead try some' Tofit urged.
Gorbo hesitated, 'You trick Gorbo.' Tofit shook his head, 'No, If I were going to trick you, I would have given you all the poison by now.' Gorbo hesitated, and looked over to Peeko and Moka, now walking to the river. Seeing them still alive he cut off a piece of the plant and put it in his mouth. Chewing on the plant, Gorbo noticed he was thinking much clearer.
He found all this talk of healing herbs and poison interesting, he wanted to know more. Gorbo looked to Tofit, and spit out the quid as he saw Peeko and Moka in the distance laying next to the weeds.

tofit 10-01-2004 04:29 PM

Peeko glanced over at Gorbo to see if the halfling was still there, he was feeling pretty relaxed from the herb. Moka was frantic, his burns were blistering. One could hardly tell his face was blistered and burned with all his warts. 'Moka really need some sourberry wine, or something' said Moka while peering at Peeko. 'dis stuff better then sourberry wine' Peeko said, licking his lips. 'Lets get more.' they both said at once.
'What plant is it?' Moka cried. Peeko scowled, 'Its those big green ones, you frik.' Moka ran up to the nearest plant and grabbed off a big clump of leaves, and stuffed what he could in his mouth. Peeko followed not far behind, and pulled off a few leaves and started chewing them up. Moka spit his wad of chewed leaves on the ground, and sat down. 'Moka feeling verrry rrrelllaxed.' he said with a peaceful hum. Peeko spit the leaves out, 'this taste different' he said softly. Peeko fell to the ground.

Gorbo, seeing his friends dead was in a mad rage. Never taking his eyes off the goblins, he punched the halfling in the face and grabbed him by his tunic, dragging him over where Moka and Peeko lay. Tofit was stunned, he had no idea what was going on. He began pleeing with Gorbo, 'No, wait.... what are you doing.' Gorbo threw him down next to Peeko, and grabbed the scimitar. Tofit looked at the goblins and realized what happened. 'Wait!' he pleaded as Gorbo raised the scimitar, poised to strike. 'Halflings killed Gorbo's friends, his only familiy..... Now halfling DIES!' Gorbo screamed. 'THERE NOT DEAD.' Tofit yelled. Gorbo stopped a minute recollecting his memories. 'The plant is a poison, its a strong tranquilizer. Your friends aren't dead, there just going to be out for awhile.' Gorbo dropped the scimitar, 'There not Gorbo's friends anyway, they make fun of Gorbo.' he said blushing.

Rubicant 10-09-2004 01:03 PM

more gorbo and tofit, i'm getting hooked. nice twists and development....


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