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Brody 07-29-2005 12:12 AM

Dwarves and elves and orcs may be a dime a dozen on any number of online RPGs. What's the most interesting race you've played and what made it so appealing to you? Feel free to include links to game websites so participants can learn more about the races in question.

Fern 07-29-2005 01:40 AM

An Ent at Lensmoor - a tree-like creature that very happily stood almost in one place and mined all day long while spouting philosophical drivel in a rather strange accent. I've no clue where to send folks for references except to point them to Lensmoor.

Wenlin 07-29-2005 02:53 AM


Why? Udders. And it doesn't matter if it's anatomically correct or not.

Jazuela 07-29-2005 09:04 AM

Most of my characters have been human and most of them were very interesting.

I've played a desert elf though, and the mentality of this race is..very strange. They're kinda like the fremen of the Dune Series in a roundabout way, but they don't ride sandworms. In fact they don't ride anything. It's considered shameful for any elf to ride a mount. They roam the world on foot. Thievery isn't just a way of life to them, it's considered a highly cultural artform. In the city, an elf might be a pickpocket or scam the desert the elf might be a raider or poacher, or a trader who brings raw materials and finished goods (looted from raids or crafted themselves) into the various centers of commerce, to get more than they think they're worth for them. ANY kind of stealing, from items to lives to coins to virginity, is fair game for the elf. But it's not just wonton thievery. It's carefully calculated, culturally justified, boast-worthy, and performed with a certain panache.

The game is Armageddon, docs can be found at

snoozer 07-29-2005 10:36 AM

Aquaepurae are my favorite race found on Accursed Lands. They are amphibious creatures that are virtually indistinguishable from another race called the bramen when they are on land. When they enter the water their true nature reveals itself; they are able to survive in rivers, lakes, and the ocean. Where the land races would drown, aquaepurae can build underwater enclaves that shelter them from their enemies.

Aquaepurae are manipulators with a penchant for magic who are distrusted and/or loathed by most of the other races at Accursed Lands. Nevertheless, their resemblance to the bramen enables them to easily infiltrate braman society and maximize their chances of survival while positioning themselves to come out on top during any periods of societal upheaval.

In order to make an aquaepura character, a player must have positive In-Character ratings in Accursed Lands' peer-review rating system. Aquaepurae can be a powerful race and it's possible to abuse this power during PK sprees or the like.

Realedazed 07-29-2005 11:40 AM

I think the gecko race from OuterSpace is pretty interesting. I wish I had more time to play the character I had. I'm a nice person and I try to take everything with a smile. This character was me x 10000. These creatures are so nice that if someone was being rude to her, she would just smile and say 'thank you a lot for expressing your feelings." She would do that opposed to saying, "Thank you oh so very much for you very informative and intellectual comments!" And even though it seems like she was being smart, she actually would mean it.

the_logos 07-29-2005 12:45 PM

Dinosaur on Age of Reptiles.


Nikodemus 07-29-2005 12:58 PM


Dunestalker 07-29-2005 01:01 PM

I can't decide between the two but my two favorites and most interesting are the halfling and desert elf races on Armageddon.

They are so different from everything else I've ever played and not mainly for physical characteristics.

WarHound 07-29-2005 06:01 PM

I'll throw in my hat with Jazuela and Dunestalker and say that Armageddon's Desert Elves are probably my favorite race so far. Jazzy outline things well, so I'll leave off, there. The mentality is just so radically different. Intriguing.

Second would probably go to Armageddon's Half-Giant race. Being big, dumb, and very, very dangerous is FUN.


Zaq 07-29-2005 08:43 PM

Had a great time playing a Braman on Accursed Lands.

Deltoru 07-29-2005 11:41 PM

I have to agree with the_logos, playing a dinosaur on Age of Reptiles (prior to becoming an imm) was the most interesting and challenging race I've ever played. The lack of says, tells, ooc and other channels made for a very unique environment for RP, and I have yet to encounter another quite like it. For those who are interested, sadly, the MUD has suffered from a major crash and pwipe, and it's future is uncertain at this point, but, stay tuned!

Daedroth 07-30-2005 07:13 PM

Delerak 07-31-2005 12:26 PM

I think faeries are just the best!

Brody 07-31-2005 12:46 PM

shadowfyr 07-31-2005 05:23 PM

Ilkidarios 07-31-2005 05:45 PM

This doesn't fall into the category of online games, but me and my friends had a D&D-type game of our own making going on which was based on the "Master of Orion" game universe.  I played as an Ithkul (MoO3) for a while and it was a very enjoyable experience.  

 You see, Ithkul are parasites that need to latch onto another being to survive, and the way we did it was that whatever I latched onto I could automatically use the skills that the specific race had, of course it would have to be killed first.  The downside was that you would use up all the nutrients of the body after a week or so and you'd have to find another host, which may or may not be beneficial.  The good news was, I never needed to buy food!

 The Ithkul are despised by all races, however, and therefore I myself could never go into town and had to rely on my friends' characters to go in and buy weapons and such.  And also, when I wasn't attached to something I was extremely vulnerable to physical force and could be killed with so much as the punch from an eight-year-old, so if I couldn't find a dead thing (that dead thing part was not in MoO, but it was a necessary thing to add in to balance out the races) to attach to and we got attacked I would have to stay out of the fight until something was killed.

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