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DrLeprechaun 10-02-2010 05:14 AM

School Proejct
Hello everyone.

I'm a 19 year old studying computers in Sweden, and in our third (and final) year we have to do a school project. Me and a friend decided to do a MUD for our project, and I was wondering if you guys could give us some advice. Most immediate would be a good codebase for a beginnner to start out with, but anything from links to websites about MUD buildning and general do/don'ts would be of great help.

I realise that this might be a pretty big project, but you are expected to spend at LEAST 100 hours on this project. Also, the finished product is not that important, your grade is based more on how you plan your project and how you solve problems that arise.

Now a little info about me that might be helpful to know, don't really know what's useful so I'll just tell you everything.

I'm currently studying php/html and Object Oriented (is that what it's called?) Java, and I've studied a bit of MySQL and (sigh) Microsoft Access. I've also studied QBasic and VisualBasic, but I assume that I won't be using those languages when I program. I've played alot of MUDs, but I've never really played any of them for longer periods of time. I think about 1.5 months is the longest I've played a single MUD.

Just to sum it up a little, I really need to know a good codebase for beginners and where/how to learn it.

Thanks in advance!

Manitas 10-02-2010 07:34 AM

Re: School Proejct
If I remember correctly, most established mud codebases are written in flat C, and make poor use of relational databases, if any. This has little to do with what you're studying.

Looks like the best way for you to go would be to make some sort of a web game using Javascript, php (which can be used in object oriented manner), and MySql for example (or ASP and other Windows stuff if you prefer).

Vatiken 10-02-2010 10:57 AM

Re: School Proejct
If a C based MUD is your intent though, I would suggest tbaMUD as something you might want to look into.

plamzi 10-02-2010 03:15 PM

Re: School Proejct

You could take tbaMUD and write a MySQL connector piece for it, moving some or all of its data sets (zones, player saves, etc.) over into a modern casing. I think the MUD community will greatly benefit from something like that.

If you stick to the MySQL API functions, you don't need to know a lot of C, but you'd be able to leverage your query knowledge.

The C API for MySQL () is pretty straightforward. I'm currently using it for my own db connector. Unfortunately, my codebase is pretty antiquated and also significantly customized, so my connector is specific to it and won't do others much good.

DamonJeeves 11-17-2010 12:48 PM

Re: School Proejct
CoffeeMUD is done all in Java and may work for you, seeing as you know Java...

Web Site:

Beta Downloads:

SVN Downloads:
CoffeeMud Wiki:

Also there is a Yahoo group to help you work out details.

Fizban 11-24-2010 12:18 AM

Re: School Project
Like DamonJeeves, CoffeeMUD was what popped into my head immediately as well when I saw mention of experience in programming with Java.

If on the other hand doing something like plamzi mentioned is something you have any interest in you can download the latest release of the codebase via or download the more up-to-date svn repository version with the following command ( svn checkout tbamud ). The code can also be viewed without downloading it by going to the following:

Best ways to have any questions regarding the codebase answered would be to post in either of the following forums:

or to log into tbaMUD via the following address:

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