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Lasher 08-28-2007 10:30 PM

Rep - Public or not?
This was touched on last week in another thread but never went anywhere. Vbulletin has a feature called "Rep". If you appreciated someones post you can add 'rep' to them by clicking on the scales icon to the left of their post. If you thought their post was a flame/unconstructive/etc you can also add negative rep.

The "rep" itself doesn't do anything, it is just a little recognition - the idea being that over time the community becomes a little self moderating. It has no affect on your ability to use the forums. The only real affect is that the little green bars you see under people's names start to increase as they gain more rep. The only other benefit is that the higher your own "rep" is the more it affects someone else when you add/remove rep.

Some forums let you see who added/took away rep, others don't. This one currently does but that was turned on without much thought. Don't have a strong opinion either way myself, posting to see if anyone else does...

chaosprime 08-28-2007 10:38 PM

Re: Rep - Public or not?
I am moderately in favor of the current disclosure setting; I've had an interesting conversation because of it that couldn't have occurred otherwise.

Newworlds 08-29-2007 12:27 AM

Re: Rep - Public or not?
Mixed feelings on rep itself. Has this been part of the forums for awhile? Because, while I think rating a person might be a good idea. What happens when people that obviously dislike eachother start giving negative reps out of spite? Or have their friends do so, etc. Or the reverse.

This is a hard thing to balance or control the abuse I'd say. Perhaps a limit of one possitive or negative rep per day?

As to disclosure. I would say yes. If you are going to give a rep, stand behind the why.

Threshold 08-29-2007 01:04 AM

Re: Rep - Public or not?
Honestly, I think rep systems like this are just ripe for abuse and people using it as a way to harass people.

Furthermore, the people most likely to game the system are the biggest trolls. They are the only types of people with the time and energy to waste effort making numerous accounts, rallying their "buddies", etc. to trash someone's rep or boost their own rep.

It is similar to post counts. I think showing them is usually a bad thing. It gives people something worthless to try and game, and can often end up being harmful. So it adds nothing, but risks creating a lot of problems.

cratylus 08-29-2007 01:19 AM

Re: Rep - Public or not?
MMmmmmm....I dunno. I think that rep transparency probably cuts
down on negative reps. If you keep rep but want to lower the
likelihood of negative rep wars, transparent rep is the way.

Are you saying people are making sockpuppets
now to downrep you? This should be something Lasher
can detect and clean up.

Since reps don't actually *do* anything (on some sites, rating
systems can affect whether your posts show up minimized
or expanded), I don't see much point in doing away with them

Personally I don't like transparent rep. It discourages downreps,
which I think are just as valid as upreps. But obviously I'm a
weirdo around here anyway.


Fern 08-29-2007 01:32 AM

Re: Rep - Public or not?
I find myself against rep systems in general, public or not. I've seen them used as harassment tools on other (non-game-oriented) forums. Perhaps we do not need that here.

Newworlds 08-29-2007 02:26 AM

Re: Rep - Public or not?
It's your pirate laughing Avatar man. It freaks me out.

I'm starting to agree more with that sentiment.

ScourgeX 08-29-2007 08:13 AM

Re: Rep - Public or not?
Hopefully allowing people to see who is repping them will cut down on this. If the "who" gets hidden, then comments should get disabled.

Maybe new accounts should not be able to rep someone until they make a post or have been active X number of days?

chaosprime 08-29-2007 10:01 AM

Re: Rep - Public or not?
See, Crat? Ninjas everywhere.

Fern 08-29-2007 11:41 AM

Re: Rep - Public or not?
Our reputations as members of the MUD community hinge on far more than forum participation. From what I've seen elsewhere, repping systems tend to bring out the worst in a certain strata of otherwise rational individuals.

Flack and fallout over a heated post can dwindle over time, under normal conditions. Hang a rep system there, and the impact can linger for months. Make the names of those repping a person visible, and the impact can linger far longer.

In the face of the challenges the MUD community faces as a whole, struggling to maintain and grow in the face of a myriad pressures and diverse competitors, I sense that we need to take steps to discourage fragmentation and internal conflicts, not steps that add to them.

Xerihae 08-29-2007 11:55 AM

Re: Rep - Public or not?
I personally don't think we need a rep system. I think it's a gimmick added by forum developers to make their bit of software "Extra Cool With New Toys Innit". A community learns who the goodies and baddies are as interaction occurs between members, and people new to the forum should not really go on someones currently showing rep (assuming they even know to look at it) as it could be misleading. The only way for new members to get up to speed is to interact and read others posts, which is the way it should be in my mind.

the_logos 08-29-2007 03:38 PM

Re: Rep - Public or not?
Does it matter? It's a nearly meaningless number that has no effect on anything but your ability to affect someone else's nearly meaningless number. If it's gamed, some people will have 'unnaturally' high or low numbers. The consequences of that are.....well, there are none so it doesn't really matter as far as I can see.

Threshold 08-29-2007 05:43 PM

Re: Rep - Public or not?

I think it matters just enough that it should be removed.

It is never a good idea to give people tools to harass people. Even if it is minor, it adds to a general culture of harassment that is negative and certainly bad for the forum.

Also, you will have people who will get disgruntled over some aspect of the system and then let that bleed over into their posting behavior. That hurts the quality of the discussions.

It adds absolutely nothing.

At a minimum, it has potential of real negative effects.

That makes it a lose-lose imho.

As someone else noted, I think it is one of those things that forum software writers throw in just because they can, and it gives them a feature they can list they support.

Milawe 08-30-2007 12:30 PM

Re: Rep - Public or not?
Might just be me, but I like the rep system. I just think it should be anonymous so we can down rep people without getting flamed in PMs. On the other hand, maybe that will make someone think twice about downrepping people. That could be a good thing.

I like to give positive feedback, so I'm not really downrepping people myself. It's nice, though, to be able to give a kudos or two to people who really try to add to discussions and be constructive.

scandum 08-30-2007 12:36 PM

Re: Rep - Public or not?
I can imagine that handing out negative reputation to the wrong person could get quite ugly. I'd probably flip out and take it out on my girlfriend if that was ever to happen to me.

Milawe 08-30-2007 12:45 PM

Re: Rep - Public or not?
Is this a shameless attempt to prevent down-repping? If we down rep you, your girlfriend pays!! :eek:

Sneaky... very, very sneaky.

Lasher 08-30-2007 01:39 PM

Re: Rep - Public or not?
Btw, it is possible to have rep set up such that people can only add positive rep to help encourage "good posts" but can't leave negative.

Threshold 08-30-2007 02:32 PM

Re: Rep - Public or not?
While that might be a little better, it still gives "lamers" an outlet they shouldn't have. You know there will be people who make dummy accounts just to rep up their main account, and then later down the road somehow use it in an argument.

The thing is, what value is there to this? None. Will it actually create any positive effects? No. Will it affect how people post? No way. So all it will do is encourage and reward people for being twinks, and that's never a good thing.

The same reason this is a bad system is why it is so hard to create systems in RP Muds for rewarding RP. Making a good system where players can flag each other for good RP requires the creation of all sorts of checks and balances in order to make it a good system rather than something cheezy that causes more problems, more clique-ish behavior, and more elitism.

Molly 08-30-2007 02:35 PM

Re: Rep - Public or not?
That might be a good choice then, if you feel that you absolutely want it, since it eliminates most of the negative sides.

Personally I don't see much of interest coming out of it, however, and it could still be 'abused', although on a smaller scale.

scandum 09-01-2007 10:46 AM

Re: Rep - Public or not?
I've seen a few forums where only positive rep was allowed.

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