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AardWolfe 10-14-2003 04:24 AM

OK, well, having only just joined this forum, I thought I'd try and get a thread going to see how many people who play Aardwolf actually read and post to this forum. If you're on Aard, feel free to chip in. :)

MUDwise, I think most of the people there know me, whether they like me or not. To make sure there's no confusion, I play under the name 'Wolfe', hence the amusing username here. I found Aard in something like 1997, played for a while, then inexplicably stopped for about 18 months. Found my way back again, and never left. I was one of the Immortal staff for about a year, and stepped down generally because I found being a player is more fun ;) I now run the on the MUD, our little cross between a clan and an attempt at a satirical newspaper.

Off the MUD, I'm 31, male, born in Yorkshire, England. I'm a qualified nurse, and worked in coronary care, operating theatres and general medicine since I qualified in 1994. When I'm in England at the minute, I generally do agency work, not being able to hold down a permanent contract. The reason for this is I'm spending most of my time in the US, trying to get my act together with a marriage and green card. My fiancee is american, lives in the US, and yes, I met her on Aardwolf. We've been together for over 18 months now, and the wedding will be as soon as possible. This is complicated by the fact that God hates us both. ;)

When I'm not MUDding, I usually have my head buried in a book, music playing in an endless loop on Winamp. I fiddle with the computer constantly, more out of a desire to keep the bloody thing working than any actual techgeek leanings. I enjoy playing various roguelike games, becoming periodically obsessed with Nethack, ADOM, or ToME, in no particular order. I'm also one of those people who's convinced they'll be a bestselling author one of these days. I keep up a livejournal for anyone interested in the minutae of my day-to-day life, url for which should be floating around in my profile.

And that's about it. I wonder if anyone else will post? ;)

Jaenelle 10-14-2003 11:12 AM

*grin* Go Wolfe! I also play aardwolf. I started when I was 15, in 1999. I've been playing non stop since. I just keep telling myself that it is better to be a mudaholic than an alcoholic. :P I play under the name Jaenelle... strangely enough.

In real life I am a full time student and spend what amounts to an insane amount of time trying to convince myself that I should log off and go study. (It never works)

On aardwolf I also help run one of the 6 new clans, Loqui being mine. Mostly this involves me kicking myself everyday for being silly enough to try and do this. ;) But it ends up being much fun. :)

And Wolfe, I'm sure you meant, 'I wonder if anyone besides Jaenelle will post.' When have I passed up an opportunity to babble?

Jaenelle of

Ilysia 10-15-2003 05:12 AM

Aardthirstan 10-20-2003 05:41 PM

Jaenelle 10-20-2003 06:58 PM

What is this? Leader only topic? *laugh* Come on... someone from aard who isn't a leader has got to be here somewhere... :P With the number of total players to leaders out there... you'd think that someone here would not be a leader... ;)

KaSeenO 10-22-2003 12:21 AM

Relatively new to the world of Mudding (Sep 2003) and I'm totally fascinated at Aardwolfs Diversity (not its existing gameplay but in the way I can recreate my own character based on the mythology of New Zealand - restringing weapons with descriptions is awesome). BTW I got a habit of dying lots without the PK side of other muds I have tried. Anyways this is totally fun and I can't get enough of it, thanks goes out to Ozbabe (from IRC) who got me onto this Interactive Game play, and to Jaenelle for opening this thread so I can waffle on a bit.

gutterzombie 10-22-2003 02:39 PM

Ilysia 10-22-2003 04:11 PM

Ometecuhtli 10-26-2003 03:50 PM

Hi Everyone! I've been playing Aardwolf for about 4 years now. I am a Lizard Warrior:) woo! go lizards! I got introduced to it through a friend of mine who stopped playing, but i neve quit:). I used to be the clan leader, but I left for a short period of time before comming back as the sweet adorable newbie I am now:).

In real life I live in Ontario Canada and I got to the University of Guelph. I study molecular biology there, and hopefully I can get a PhD in molecular biology after I finish my BSc (Honors Degree). In my spare time I play Aardwolf, read all sorts of interesting biological journals, tutor for cash, write short stories, and work on my thesis (as of the moment im just gathering a whole bunch of data from a wide variety of sources, then in my third and fourth year I will start to bring it all together=) )

Have a great time everyone!!

One more thing...if forget everything, never forget this...



Kit 10-29-2003 05:21 AM


I'll tell you a bit about me, and see if your super-intelligent brains can figure out who I am, given that I didn't even use my entire character name (shocking, eh?).

I am the aforementioned fiancee of Erekose (the lupine formerly known as AardWolfe). When I'm not spending all of my time working to support his addictive habit of having a meal or two per day, I can usually be found sitting in front of my computer.

On Aardwolf, I'm one of the co-leaders/founders of the Midgaardian Publishing Group, married to Wolfe, and, despite having played for over four years, have a whopping two morts completed. This is due to the fact that I have another character (with all of three morts) and the fact that I rarely play. I also occasionally design/maintain the clan's website, unless I don't feel like doing it, in which case I force Wolfe to take care of it for me. And, speaking of the website, I'd like to mention that I am not the sole writer of Dear Kitty (except for the issues when I am).

Erm. Yeah. That's about it. Move along now, nothing to see here.

madcatz 10-29-2003 12:28 PM

Rockhydra 10-29-2003 01:57 PM

Aardthirstan 10-29-2003 02:07 PM

KnittedKharpern 10-29-2003 04:39 PM

Ardhiel 10-30-2003 10:12 AM

FrankyB 11-17-2003 08:12 AM

Hi there!

I have been playing muds since 1994, back in the days when access was free and fast, from university.  The first mud I played, Dragon ][ as it was known, went pk on me and I flitted about looking for another home.  For a while I played Xania, GodWars, Brigadoon until I settled down in Aard in the year 2000.

For me, Aardwolf is the perfect mud right now.  Much of the player base are mature adults but there are a fair number of young'uns to keep us on our toes.  However, I don't get on as much as I would like - real life tends to get in the way more than ever.


eclaboussure 11-17-2003 02:31 PM

Ciaran 11-20-2003 10:08 AM

Mordengaard 11-20-2003 04:00 PM

Tanya 11-20-2003 11:34 PM

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