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KaVir 05-02-2002 12:20 AM

Please note that "Me too" posts are not welcome here.  I encourage you all to add your thoughts and feelings - and particularly your suggestions and insights - in response to posts made here.  These can be positive or negative, but they must at least be constructive - a post which simply agrees or disagrees will be deleted.

We seem to have sunk to an all-time low in terms of posting quality since the move to these new forums.  I cannot speak for the other forums, as I only moderate here and Legal Issues.  However I'm going to try and pull the two forums that I moderate out of the "mud" (pun intended) and try to get us back to a decent signal/noise ratio.

As before, I also ask you not to advertise within the body of your post.  Your signatures are not affected by this rule, however.

Mason 05-02-2002 12:44 AM

I would have to concur. As I mentioned in another thread, these boards are designed for the MUD community, and those who simply view them as a personal playground do not add to the ethos of TMS. Moreover, for the forums that are designed to advertise for new staff or players, it is discurteous and unfair to other who do obey netiquette to repeatedly bump your MUD to the front page. In my 2 years here, the netiquette is most certainly at an all-time low. Something needs to be done, otherwise serious MUDders will leave for a more peaceful and productive forum.

Threshold 05-02-2002 12:48 AM

It is my opinion that the reason for the inordinate amount of "me too" posts is that people are "star farming." They are posting tons of useless messages just to get their post totals up.

Perhaps Synozzer could hide the post totals for a few months or announce that he intends to wipe the totals at some point in the future to discourage this behavior.

Wik 05-02-2002 01:11 AM

Dulan 05-02-2002 01:26 AM


Ditto to this entire thread, and add this for food for thought - On a daily basis, they post more then my entire post count. On many days, they will post more then even KaVir's entire post count, and he is probably the most prolific poster we've got - of quality posts, at least.

Ponder that. Worst of all, the twinks won't even admit they are spamming. They flame you for saying that they spam. Irritating, but -shrug-.

I say just delete the accounts. Post counts get reset, they learn to not spam as they are doing.


Alastair 05-02-2002 06:08 AM

I second the removal of the post counts.

Aside from the inane spam, any one reading the forums for two-three weeks will find out who the worthwile contributors are anyway.

Funny, though, that none of them has yet broken the 50-post count. Or rather than funny, a tell-tale.

Threshold 05-02-2002 07:18 AM

It's like Bizzaro World, where everything is opposite.

The folks with the highest post counts are the ones with the least of value to say. Odd, that.

Seth 05-02-2002 07:44 AM

Well, technically, the only thing I am guilty of is having a high postcount. I know that's the results of allot of posting, but I'm having spring holidays here (everyone currently has here in the Netherlands) so I have ALLOT of free time to kill untill I find my RTCW CD again...

Still tho, even I have some uses. Now I won't make a defensive stand on other "spammers" here, but I think I can safely say that I sometimes do add something usefull when it concern webmastering/hosting/building. (In fact, I'm currently trying out Apache 2.0 and PHP 4.2 together, so I'll give you people an assesment of it in a week)

But removal of post counts would do the trick you guys want, I suppose. However, I can't see any reason why it would make me stop having fun in the "General" section of the forum. After all, you can say allot about me, but I only post serious stuff in the more serious forums.

Caxandra 05-02-2002 08:32 AM

Perhaps not including the very spammy sections in the 'Most recent posts' section of TMS. I realise I've posted a bit to these as well, but I don't believe I would call myself spammy. Also, I do agree with the idea of removing polls from certain forums: I dn't believe I'll ever want to know my popularity on the 'Introduce Myself' forum. Actaully, I go without polls altogether. I perfer information provided by this community, not feeling as though I'm a cat toy for somebody's lunchtime break.

Astin 05-02-2002 11:21 AM

What exactly is ...

-- Astin

Caxandra 05-02-2002 11:37 AM

Well, to sound slightly flaming, that would be what N'syncfanatic meets 'I have too much time on my hands and a computer' would look like.

Merely my opintion. Another one of my opinions: Ugh.

Dulan 05-02-2002 11:44 AM

Cax, by NO MEANS have you spammed at all. I, hell, even KaVir have "spammed" more than you.

We are speaking about these inane 1-line posts or even 1-word posts to just get people's post counts up.


Caxandra 05-02-2002 06:19 PM

*nodnod* I know, my whole 1.6 (probably now a whole 2.0) posts a day wouldn't be spamming. I was agreeing with the gist of this thread. I know I at first was interested in replying to some of the more amusing ones(my perception, at least), such as the word association and on the last set of boards, the Our Story line. I found those entertaining, if spammy. I do not enjoy... angst and the requirement for one to broadcast every detail of their day. Should I need that, I'll watch E!.

Orion Elder 05-02-2002 06:33 PM

Xanferious 05-02-2002 06:43 PM

Please explain why do you think its about bumping up post counts? does posts counts mean that much to you?

maybe some people don't like typing more then 10 words to state there opoin... you don't need to write a 4 paragraph page to state a simple idea,

Koryon 05-02-2002 06:52 PM

When your opinion is "heh" then, now I know you won't understand it, but take my word for it, NOBODY WANTS TO HEAR IT.

When your simple opinion is "Me Too! lolz dude kavir j00 are s0 cool!!" Nobody want's to waste their time downloading your message if that's the amount of thought that goes into it.

Xanferious 05-02-2002 06:57 PM

so i spammed my own thread in the old forums, and i dont like typeing a huge message to explain a yes or no question, thats pretty lame if you need to type a huge messgae to say Yes, to me thats wasting my time. and if you dont like the messages dont read them , i mean the topics give you a clue on what the message will most likly be. so why bother reading that topic?

Caxandra 05-02-2002 09:09 PM

Actually, as of yesterday, I started avoiding threads. I don't look at the names-- I don't know anybody well enough to remember who's who.  But if it's something that is obvious to me that I don't need to get into.. then I don't.

Now, on the Other Hand: Gents, I'm sure Kavir had no intention of watching this particular thread get so large and wordy.  I can admit that I am actaully wary in continuing it since I feel like I am contributing to the very action of which I am saying I do not approve of.  If you have to quibble, please take it to the General Boards. Or, even better, take advantage of the nifty ikonboard messenger.:D

<No cows were harmed in the creation of this post, but a glass of Dooleys was horribly digested.>

Dulan 05-02-2002 09:19 PM

222 posts. When the most active older posters haven't even broken 50 yet.

I think that says enough right there, Xanferious.


Xanferious 05-02-2002 09:22 PM

so thjat means? im on alot more then you, i speak my mind more then you and im more active then you... anything else o wise man?

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