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Torren 02-24-2004 07:25 PM

Any tried to take an existing code base, in my case ROM, but any codebase that doesn't currenly use a DB and try to switch are hash tables and link lists into a DB something like DB2 or any freeware DB?

If you have let me know how it went and if you still have your hair left.


Tezcatlipoca 02-25-2004 06:18 PM

Not sure I'd suggest doing it with an existing code unless you know it *real* well (and even then I couldn't say that most are well structured for that really), but yes, with custom code, my team and myself are extensively integrating a Database into our program. Doing so has opened up quite a few doors of possibilities.

Torren 02-25-2004 06:36 PM

Well I'm running on what could still be call Rom24b but its been modified heavly. Mostly I was thinking of adding the object and mob index first and then rooms. Then the mobs and objects themselfs. This would allow for most and objects to survive reboots and crashes. I tried once to have these all write to flate files and then read but that just took forever having them static in a DB would make it more simple.

Just and idea I've been banging around for while. Thanks for you input.

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