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Kyndig 10-11-2002 01:17 PM

Is issue #4 out yet? Anyone receive it? I've sent 3 emails now to their addresses, and have not received a reply. Their site shows that the issue was mailed out in August.

Thanks for any info,

Ntanel 10-11-2002 03:16 PM

As I said before, due to certain time restraints, it just has not been sent out yet.

Lotius 10-11-2002 08:58 PM

I, for one, was unaware of this as well until just a couple days ago. This information should be updated on the website as to not confuse people. I know that everyone gets busy, but a quick email out to the list of the subscribers would ensure they know why their issue isn't there. :)


Robbert 10-11-2002 11:40 PM

Agreed. I've seen nothing 'said before', and would reasonably assume that this information would be reflected on the official webpage somewhere. In fact, the webpage specifically states that:

I for one am not very satisfied with the level of service provided by Mud Companion. It is certainly a worthy publication, but it could use one helluva boost in the customer relations department.

I am a subscriber and contributing author to Mud Companion, but would not know myself as either from the amount of response received. I do not intend to renew my subscription without seeing a significant improvement in this area, both in official correspondence and the quasi-official responses such as the one given by you, Ntanel.

Samson 10-12-2002 04:23 AM

I for one won't be renewing regardless. If they're willing to delay this long ( and I had actually forgotten it was overdue until Orion mentioned it ) and not say anything, what's to stop them from deciding to take 6 months per issue from now on? It's a quarterly magazine. That means deadlines. If you can't meet them, you don't deserve to get paid.

Ike 10-12-2002 01:30 PM

oo diss

Astin 10-12-2002 02:07 PM

I have yet to receive my issue either but I emailed the subscriptions department and the information department at least twice if not more times each inquiring about the fourth issue. I waited for a while and still I got no response even letting me know that my email was received. When I do get the magazine I enjoy reading it and as for the delay I mean it’s only in it’s first year and as with anything “shi- happens”. I think I’ll give it another year and see if thing get better. The waiting wouldn’t be so aggravating if you could get a response from customer relations departments or a quicker status update. The latest status update was on the 28th of august saying that it’s back from the printer and will be mailed that week…that was over 6 weeks ago and I’ve received nothing or heard anything. Which leads me to a question if it hasn’t been sent out when is someone going to update that notice on the Website?

-- Astin

Iluvatar 10-16-2002 04:56 PM

In their defense, I will say I've thoroughly enjoyed the first three issues and a teeny inside bit of knowledge tells me that a large part of it is quantity of articles and high standards for each issue that delays mailing. I think my money was well spent though but I'm waiting for issue #4 before I resubscribe.

Hmm, this new one should be around 32 pages? Perhaps Sir Thoric should offer a freebie advertisement for your pet Mu* in the issue you get a story published in, even a short text one. Even I might get off my butt as Neranz has requested and submit an article for that kind of motivation. Quarterly is a royally nasty thing when you depend on volunteer submissions and I certainly don't envy him.

Neranz Laverani 10-16-2002 06:37 PM

You can get a free advertisement for you MU* by including it in your bio when you write an article. People generally read the bios to see why the author feels they are knowledgable enough to be writing the article.

I will admit I am partially to blame for the lateness of the issue as once again my submission was late.

(On a bit of a side note, I have been thinking about the decreasing amount of time I spend doing anything mud related and have decided to take a sabbatical of sorts from mudding until the children are at least teenagers.)

As far as the comment about not getting paid. No one is getting paid for this. Knowing at least US Postal Rates, I would not be surprised at all if Thoric is loosing money.

I still think The Mud Companion is a great idea. I will continue to subscribe. If you have liked it in the past, help keep it going by submitting articles. That is what it needs to be successful.

Neranz Laverani, Seeker of Knowledge

Robbert 10-17-2002 01:43 AM

The point is, Mud Companion has entered into a contractual obligation with its subscribers, which it has failed to meet. Furthermore, the information on its website is misleading at best, or deliberately falsified at worst. How that information is taken is up to theindividual reader and has, in my opinion, been handled well by the subscribers.

Nevertheless, I reiterate: Mud Companion has contracted to provide a service in exchange for a medium (read: money). It has failed to do so.

History can show you many occasions wherein the content was worthy, yet the provider failed to adequately satiate his or her customer base.

I do not believe Mud Companion is at the point of self-defeat - YET. But I do think they are very close to achieving that goal.

I purchased a quarterly subscription, and I want what I purchased.

Failing that, I would like to see the webpage updated with information, and not find it second hand on a seperate discussion forum.

Failing THAT, I would appreciate feedback as a subscriber from the company to which I have subscribed, updating me as to the status of their product.

Failing that, I will not renew my subscription.

Samson 10-17-2002 03:12 AM

Loremaster 10-17-2002 06:07 PM

Just out of curiosity, how much is a subscription?

Lotius 10-17-2002 07:53 PM

A yearly subscription is $10 US. This includes 4 quarterly issues and the shipping & handling cost. Individual issue orders cost more per issue and you have to pay shipping and handling on it as well.


Skorpian 10-22-2002 04:17 AM

IMO, TMC is advertising a service they can't provide.

I signed up for TMC in March this year, and have yet to receive a single issue (I asked to be sent the most recent one).

TMC could get in big trouble - accepting money from people, then giving them nothing for it.

Robbert 11-02-2002 11:04 PM

Now it's November, and still no change to the page.

I've demanded return of $7.50 through Paypal - $2.50 for the failure to provide my fourth issue for the year, plus $5.00 for the effort. At this point, Mud Companion has failed to meet its obligation to me. I'm also going to mail them a letter asking for my free issue for being published in them.

Samson 11-03-2002 01:04 AM

Here here. I've sent my refund request in as well, though I didn't feel it necessary to ask for an additional $5.00 out of it. $2.50 may not be a whole lot, but it's the principle of it.

Robbert 11-03-2002 01:48 PM

I added the $5.00 out of spite. I've sent no fewer than four emails to the company, and have gotten nary a single response. I don't think that, given the fact I have paid for a service, it is unreasonable to expect at least a hither-you-go response, saying anything from "This is your autobot...." to "We're a little busy right now trying to fix the damn mailing of Issue #4, will respond within 7 years to your email..."

I paid for something. I am entitled to either the product or the money. At this point, at -least- three months after it was due (August, which was LATE), I am no longer satisfied with just the product. I want either the product, AND my $2.50 returned, or I want the $2.50 price intrinsic to the goods which have failed to be delivered, plus recompense of $5.00.

I also want my free issue for being published in the magazine. This part is non negotiable, independent of whether I get the above satisfaction or not.

--Robespierre, who has sent mails to people from the middle of the desert, in the shade of a camel, so will accept no excuse

Ike 11-03-2002 11:33 PM

I never recieved my free issue of "The Mud Companion" for purchasing Zmud!

Zugg told me that is is their responsibility to send it to me, and I have not recieved it. (It has been 8 months now)

the_logos 11-04-2002 12:35 AM

If Zugg sold you Zmud under the explicit assumption that you'd be receiving an issue of The Mud Companion in exchange for purchasing Zmud, then it is his responsibility to provide it to you. He made money off his promise to you.


Ike 11-04-2002 01:47 AM


whatever. i want my free issue.

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