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Exphio 04-09-2013 08:30 PM

New to muds.
I recently learned about MUDs and I'd like to give them a try. Does anyone know if there are any MUDs that have a decent sized community and are relatively easy to learn/ newbie friendly?

Jazuela 04-09-2013 08:49 PM

Re: New to muds.
Well there are literally hundreds of muds out there. It'll help if you're more specific.

When you say "decent sized community" do you mean more than 5? More than 50? More than 500?

What genre are you interested in? Cartoonish pokemon-type games? Something more "believably" fantasy based? Tolkeinesque? Vampirish? Zombies? Castles and wizards and dragons? Drow elves? Games where you can pretend you're a horny bunny having sex with a cute furry kitten? There's something out there for everyone (even the last part, which sounds freaky but hey - some people are freaky), and you want to be guided toward the most appropriate direction for your tastes.

Do you want a game where players are mostly playing a game, grouping together to kill monsters for loot and experience points that lead to higher levels and more magickal buffs? Or are you looking more for a more immersive roleplaying environment where you can almost believe your character is in the world of the game, interacting with others and living his/her life as the story unfolds with you as an integral part of it? Again, there's something for everyone, from one extreme to the other. There are even games where you can buy and sell characters and equipment for real actual money on e-bay and private player forums with paypal.

If you're looking for just something basic to get your feet wet in the world of text games, I recommend pretty much any DIKU, just to learn how to move, learn basic syntax, learn how to watch screen scroll without getting cross-eyed, learn about wielding and equipping and save rooms and all the other terminology. And if you find you're not having fun playing that particular game, you can start looking for other games, but this time you'll be looking with a rudimentary understanding of what you're looking for.

Verbannon 04-09-2013 09:54 PM

Re: New to muds.
On the other hand. A Mud like Shadowgate which gets a lot of non-mudders trying it out as its a D&D mud, has newbie areas designed especially with your kind in mind.

Jazuela 04-09-2013 10:31 PM

Re: New to muds.
But how do you know what his kind IS? He hasn't mentioned. He might very well be looking for a D&D game. He might be looking for extensive help files and NOT a "newbie area" (like a mudschool). Or he might be looking for one-on-one help from staff members and volunteer players, and not a newbie area OR helpfiles. Or he might be looking for a combination of the three. Or none of the above.

He needs to define what he's looking for, which he hasn't yet done. "Newbie friendly" means different things to different people. It could mean that other players are eager to help. It could mean that the code is easy to understand. It could mean that if you're familiar to LP or Circle, you'll have a really easy time adapting to this mud. It could mean that you get live support from 24/7 staff.

And again, the "decent size" could mean anything from 5, to 50, to 500. We don't know what he's comparing it to.

Exphio 04-13-2013 02:43 AM

Re: New to muds.
Erm.. I was more or less, just looking for some suggestions to check into.
Something kinda simple, not super indepth. More or less, just easy to learn.
Anyways, when i say decent size, I suppose more that 50 will do.
Im not sure as to what genre im looking for. I'd like it to be an rpg, I really dont have a preference, much less an idea of what i'm looking for atm.

Orrin 04-13-2013 06:18 AM

Re: New to muds.
You can check out to see how many players a particular MUD has (it's not 100% accurate as some games inflate their numbers artificially but it should give you an idea).

A couple of suggestions for popular hack and slash MUDs you might want to try are or .

Verbannon 04-13-2013 09:22 AM

Re: New to muds.
That mudstats place isn't even 20% accurate. Its crawler really sucks at getting numbers anywhere close to the reality.

Jazuela 04-13-2013 10:11 AM

Re: New to muds.
If you want to experiment and learn about how different muds present themselves to players, so that you can decide which "type" of mud you prefer best, and then pick a mud from that type...

I'd suggest running down the top 20 right here on this website's main page.

dentin 04-13-2013 10:49 AM

Re: New to muds.

You might want to give Alter Aeon a try. We're one of the bigger muds (top 20 or so) and we pride ourselves on being one of the easiest games for new players to start on. The game theme is medieval fantasy, with enchanted swords, spellcasting, and dragons. We're not a role-play (RP) mud, so you don't need to worry about being 'in character' or anything like that.

Be sure to check out our custom clients. If you're sighted, the custom client includes a mapper and a lot of other really handy features to help you manage groups and summoned minons. If you're blind, we've got several different soundpacks and downloads to choose from.

We hope to see you there!


Alter Aeon MUD

Orrin 04-13-2013 02:28 PM

Re: New to muds.
Provided that the MUD implements MSSP then the numbers should be as accurate as they choose to provide.

Verbannon 04-13-2013 03:40 PM

Re: New to muds.
So it doesn't use a crawler, it has to be manually updated? But its clearly making daily updates. That doesn't make sense.

Threshold 04-13-2013 04:40 PM

Re: New to muds.

If you are looking for a mud with roleplaying and an actively evolving world story, I'd like to suggest .

Threshold also has an extremely active group of new player helpers who love to help people new to MUDs get the hang of things.

We were recently covered by as well:

Here is a very detailed tutorial video that you can reference to get through the first 30 minutes or so of gameplay:

You can play Threshold using your favorite mud client or you can use our browser client:

Have fun wherever you end up!


Newworlds 04-15-2013 12:29 PM

Re: New to muds.
Welcome to the community Exphio. I will tell you that you should drop into New Worlds Ateraan for your new text gaming experience. You will be more than pleased with what you find. Here are only a few reasons why:

1. Very large community of players.
2. Very well setup creation for those who have never played a Text Roleplaying Game before.
3. Staff and Guides to assist you in your creation and beginning days of playing.
4. Playerbase that will assist you in the same.
5. Rich roleplay environment based on a book you can read online for background and history of the game.
6. Large events to interact with other players.
7. Commerce, adventure, intrique, politics, singular and group quests.
8. Incridble ships where you can deep sea fish, whale, hunt pirates, battle other player ships, quest, visit islands and other lands.
9. Houses, mansions, and even castles with servants, guards, storage, creatable rooms, and multiple features.
10. Numerous types of pets, guardians, and familiars to accompany you.

I highly suggest you start in the Northern Kingdom where you will be an immigrant and obtain assistance from other players as they tour you and work with you. Just make sure you choose that option.

Good Luck and have fun!

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