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the_logos 08-15-2004 11:16 PM

Aardwolf is a great mud (clearly, based on the size of its playerbase alone) and its players don't deserve to suffer due to a misanthropic hurricane. Plus, Lasher is a cool guy. So, we've whipped up a little place for Aardwolf players to hang out in. Telnet to 4000

We did the codebase more or less from scratch this afternoon so there's very little there beyond a glorified chatroom. (We thought about putting up a stripped down version of one of our games so there was SOMETHING for you to do, but didn't think you Aardwolf players would appreciate seeing content from our games.)

If someone who is a high level admin on Aardwolf could please contact me either here or by logging into 4000 and using the persistent messaging system to send a message to "Sarapis", it'd be good. I can make you an admin there so that you can create rooms, mess with descriptions, appoint other admins, etc.

Once someone's an admin, you can just play with it until you let me know that Aardwolf is back up so we can take down the Aardwolf Chatroom.

Also, obviously we don't have access to the Aardwolf database so there's no way for us to reserve your Aardwolf names and so on.

Enjoy it if it's at all useful. If not, sorry!

the_logos 08-16-2004 01:10 AM

There's also a web page

If you don't have a decent client, you can use our java client to connect to the Aardwolf Chat from the web page. I've passed adminship of the place to an Aardwolf staff member now, so you should find some familiar faces there

Pris 08-16-2004 02:58 AM

That was very nice of you, Matt. Nice to see some camaraderie here and I wish all the Aardwolf guys good luck in getting their mud back together.
Thoughts, also, to those affected by the hurricane in more devastating ways.


the_logos 08-16-2004 03:14 PM

There are about 40 Aardwolfians on now when I checked, so if you're an Aardwolfian check it out!

Arizhel 08-16-2004 09:54 PM

the_logos 08-16-2004 11:27 PM

Erk, sorry about that! Looks like one of our coders killed what he thought was a rogue process on the server it's running on. It's back up.


BaenSidhe 08-16-2004 11:28 PM

I can't login either, so I suppose it's down.

peon 08-17-2004 03:44 AM

That's a pretty nice gesture Matt, especially considering your mud(s) and Aardwolf are sometimes considered rivals. I'd like to say thanks, as an Aardwolf addict, it's really appreciated. :D

the_logos 08-17-2004 04:05 AM

No problem! I love the fact that Aardwolf is competitive with us on TMS. I wish Simutronics would make an effort and crush both of us with Dragonrealms and Gemstone IV. I believe the cross-pollination that comes from exposing your playerbases to other muds (and them to yours) helps us all. Helps the players by giving them access to other muds that may serve their needs better. Helps the muds by being exposed to players that may not even know they were looking for what those muds have to offer.

A rising tide raises all ships.


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