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Psektos 11-23-2004 12:44 PM

Hi! Just a quick request.

Would you please mark which games have "Pay to Enhance Play" options?

I really dislike being hoodwinked by a "FREE" moniker only to start playing and realize that I need to fork over cash to get ahead or access to all things available in the game.

Thank you!

the_logos 11-23-2004 02:36 PM

My god, who are these horrible people who are mis-using the word free by requiring that you pay cash in-game? It gives those of us who have truly free games that don't ever require that you fork over cash for anything a bad name.


WarHound 11-23-2004 06:44 PM

A little touchy there, Logos?

Hah, Psetkos, this has been discussed and argued to death. An agonizing, tedious, prolonged death. Trust me, it's not gonna happen.

While alot of solid arguments have been presented from both sides, in the end it all comes down to 'stfu! We're right, you're wrong.'

EDIT: After posting this I got to wondering if a few of us who frequent these forums could devise a list of 'Pay for Perks' and 'Pay to Play' Muds. When a topic like this comes up, which it inevitably will, we could just point people to the thread, rather than getting into yet another freeVSpay argument.

the_logos 11-23-2004 09:01 PM

Naah, not touchy. Just amused.

Hardestadt 11-24-2004 01:04 AM

Here we go again.

Psektos 11-24-2004 09:58 AM

gth 11-27-2004 08:42 AM

Perhaps it would be easier (and for those who are obsessive about the topic) for those games that don't have any cash transactions as part of the game experience, to advertise as 'completely free'.

Just figured an alternative method to identify free muds might work better than trying to 'out' the money-muds.

Molly 11-27-2004 11:02 AM

An even easier way would of course be if the obviously commercial muds stopped advertising themselves as 'free to play'.

WarHound 11-27-2004 01:30 PM

<Insert generic FREEvsPAY argument #136 here>

There is no use in discussing it for the 123214335443th time. It's been beaten to death, resurrected, and beaten a few thousand more times. All it's going to do here is start another gigantic argument where nothing, I repeat NOTHING will get accomplished except more arguing, a generous helping of flaming, and a topping of 'stfu' before it's over with.

I am a free player myself, and really would prefer if pay muds made it clear in their advertisements that they are payforperks, one-time payment, or monthlypayments. However, there are at least ten other threads on the subject that make it very clear that if they don't want to let people know in their TMS-listing blurb, then they definately don't have to. That's the end of the story, guys, as much as some of us may dislike it. No use arguing it again, as all we'll be accomplishing is rehashing a tired-ass, done-to-death subject.

My only solution here is to make the list of pay-to-play muds, start a topic about them, and offer it to people whenever this topic INEVITABLY comes up. I've been meaning to start it, but with the holidays and all it's kind of been put on the back burner.

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