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halkeye 03-14-2003 06:17 AM

I have a.. well working on a game... Started off just for fun, now i sorta want it to go somewhere....

The problem is, i don't know where to look for people who are interested....

It doesn't really have the full qualities of a mud (wont' be very hack-and-slash-ish or whatever).. but i really don't know what other kinds of thigns fit into which categories..

So can someone clue me into the differences?
so i can narrow my search a bit?

Terloch 03-14-2003 07:55 AM

When you get it into a more concrete and definable set of terms, post something on here, and see if it sparks any interest.

halkeye 03-14-2003 08:05 AM

well, when it comes time for that, i certainly.. well probably will do so...

but i was asking mainly for the information... a bit of a direction to head in...

I love muds... but.. some aspects are very boring and repetatives... so i was trying to weigh benifits and disadvantages of other genres of text based rpgs....

maybe even incoperate them...

but mainly.. just curisoity... i know there are other types... just know next to nothing about them.

Xerihae 03-14-2003 08:22 AM

I went over to the all-knowing Google and found this, seems like a decent enough explanation of the differences:

Hope that helps, good luck with your game!

KaVir 03-14-2003 07:32 PM

A mud doesn't have to be hack-and-slash, as should be readily apparent to anyone familiar with the TinyMUD derivatives (MUCKs, MUSHes, etc).

Threshold 03-15-2003 06:00 PM

How true.

In fact, I think muds have more non-hack-n-slash innovation than any other type of RPGs around.

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