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Iluvatar 05-13-2002 05:36 PM

So far, I've been taught that if a code base uses multiple coders the only reasonable way to enable it is to have one central person (head coder) review the code changes and implement if it fits. This is a protective measure and stops two or more coders from modifying the same area at the same time. I always thought it was a necessary thing though it slows the process somewhat.

Now I hear rumors there are security and perhaps stability problems with CVS. Any thoughts or discussion about CVS? I think ImmU needs it for Circle as a minimum and should be a standard for all the codebases used since we have multiple coders for a single base.


Xanferious 05-13-2002 09:03 PM

im no coder but i know my head coder uses it. whats nice about it from what he explained to me is that, you can quickly add ore remove the changes to the codebase and keep track of all the activity that the coders or programmers do. its also a great to catch other coders that are up to no good by installing secert IMP chars in the game and backdoors.
thats just my 2 cents

Trax 05-14-2002 02:54 AM

Koryon 05-14-2002 08:00 AM

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