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PlagueGiver 10-18-2016 10:29 AM

Would anyone be interested in a random dungeon crawler with an underlying story?
I started work on a dungeon crawler, which so far doesn't really have a geography, it simply selects a random room description from a text file and prints whenever you go in a direction. There's no set doors or exits, exits and the number of exits are randomly generated. So I thought it would be quite a cool idea to try to complete a MUD like that: with a feeling of disorientation and being lost, and with an underlying story or quest arc which is revealed to you by random characters throughout, the main purpose being exploration and discovery. Would anyone be interested in playing something like this if I complete it?

rendekar 10-18-2016 07:06 PM

Re: Would anyone be interested in a random dungeon crawler with an underlying story?
I would be interested. As far as I know some muds have randomly generated dungeons but there was always limits to that kind of thing. Personally I liked Tales Of Maj'eyal(best roguelike for me) for its limited randomness and skill trees etc. Dungeons are randomly generated but bosses remain the same which is better for lore and story.

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