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Molly 05-02-2011 01:46 AM

Usama bin Laden is dead
It appears Usama bin Laden was killed by a small American force earlier today.
I just heard it on my Mud.
The internet is weird sometimes...

melopene 05-02-2011 02:22 AM

Re: Usama bin Laden is dead
I was doing some solo-building at the time, and came to a complete standstill. I saw on Twitter that Obama had scheduled a statement for 10:30 PM from the East Room, which I knew was really unusual, especially since the Press Sec had called a full lid earlier in the day. I started hitting up Fark threads about that time to see what the buzz was about.

Of course, the announcement got pushed at least an hour back, and about 15 mins before the news leaked, my girlfriend called me to ask WTF was going on. CNN and others were reporting that it was national security related, but not having to do with Libya. I knew, right then, and told her that's what I thought happened.

But yeah, I called it.

Ironically, on 9/11, I was also on a MUD - not building, I don't think, but on - and had gotten an IM from a friend nearby in the DC suburbs who told me that a plane had hit the WTC. Also, I ended up on Fark for most of that day, since everything was out. MUDs and Fark, two seeming constants in my life.

It's been a really crazy week, especially after everything that's gone on here. I think our biggest concern here in Alabama is that this is going to completely quash what little attention was being paid to the storm damage, which is beyond words and will take months and years to recover from.

scandum 05-02-2011 08:30 AM

Re: Usama bin Laden is dead
Good riddance. I'm still calling WW3 around 2050.

melopene 05-02-2011 02:02 PM

Re: Usama bin Laden is dead
2050? Ha. The world is supposed to end in less than three weeks, don't you know that?

shevegen 05-02-2011 03:02 PM

Re: Usama bin Laden is dead
You trust that statement?

They should have provided pictures of the dead body rather than claim to have tossed him into the ocean... not that I think he is alive, anyway, but why would anyone think he died just because the criminals in the white house said that it was today?

Trusting politicans is a big mistake as long as deceit and corruption rules them.

President Obama did not deserve the nobel prize - Bradley Manning deserves it.

SnowTroll 05-02-2011 03:34 PM

Re: Usama bin Laden is dead
The conspiracy theorists have already gotten together on this one. Apparently, Bin Laden has been dead for months, maybe even years, but the evil government has been waiting until just the right time to release the info to the media in preparation for Obama's reelection, so that he can sway enough votes to finish destroying America from within and lead the world to a socialist hell. Plus, this distracts everyone from rushing to prove what a fake that birth certificate is! This is win-win for the evil conniving government! Get your guns ready now and tell your mountain redneck neighbors! It's almost time to kill people and rewind the world to a time when things were better and more wholesome for our civilization, which I know is what Bin Laden thought he was doing, but he was crazy while we're actually right.

Darren Brimhall 05-02-2011 04:35 PM

Re: Usama bin Laden is dead

Right now, outside of an assassination attempt on him, Obama needs all of the boost he can get in the Polls. But do note, any praise Obama gets for Bin Laden can vanish the following week by any major occurance he doesn't act quckly enough on. We know he had kidney troubles, but what about physicallogical photographic matching of the facial regions of the 'body' with known photos of Bin Laden?

Then again, was it really Bin Laden that got wacked or a body double? DNA samples don't tell all, and dumping the body overboad before any really throughal examinations were done was a serious error

I wouldn't put it past him. Such deceptiveness is a rule of thumb in the Middle East. And if this is what happened, there will be people eating it raw--especially in Government.

Darren Brimhall

Samson 05-02-2011 09:35 PM

Re: Usama bin Laden is dead
Not to fuel any conspiracies or anything, but this is sure interesting:

Note the date.

I for one am glad Osama is dead. Pakistan should be ashamed of themselves for aiding to keep him hidden all these years. Don't care if they're ****ed at us for not telling them we were coming. All the other times we did, Osama mysteriously escaped.

iovan 05-02-2011 09:44 PM

Re: Usama bin Laden is dead
Don't you all go trying to take away from Obama's victory. It's obviously all his success and truth! Didn't you know he suited up and went in there himself and did the deed? It was all because of him. At least that's what the popular notion paints right now...

scandum 05-02-2011 10:38 PM

Re: Usama bin Laden is dead
I'll bet you $50 it doesn't. ;)

If they made up Bin Laden's death it's gonna be hard to keep the truth from coming out, and Obama would most likely end up getting impeached.

On one hand burying the corpse within 24 hours seems rather strange, but Obama is obviously a Muslim appeaser. To me it seems being respectful towards Islam was more important to Obama than being respectful towards those who lost loved ones during 9/11, though I guess someone with a positive view of Islam wouldn't take offense.

melopene 05-02-2011 11:06 PM

Re: Usama bin Laden is dead
Troll-like typing detected.


Darren Brimhall 05-03-2011 02:58 PM

Re: Usama bin Laden is dead
They should have kept the body instead of throwing it overboard, at least long enough to give it a real going over. The Consperacy Nuts are having a field day with it.

Then again, this victory is indanger of being pushed asside by the rising cost of Gas and disasters occuring both at home and abroad.

Darren Brimhall

Darren Brimhall 05-03-2011 03:00 PM

Re: Usama bin Laden is dead

Yea, he used a Basketball and dribled Bin Laden to death with it.

Darren Brimhall

Newworlds 05-08-2011 03:00 AM

Re: Usama bin Laden is dead
What's more important than Obama being dead is Fox News' very own Geraldo Rivera declaring Obama being dead and liking it. :p

Darren Brimhall 05-08-2011 08:35 PM

Re: Usama bin Laden is dead
Geraldo's still around???

Granted I don't watch TV very much, but I figured by now he was either retired or dead.

Darren Brimhall

Newworlds 05-09-2011 12:20 AM

Re: Usama bin Laden is dead
Still around and still with the moustache. :D

chaosprime 05-12-2011 11:44 AM

Re: Usama bin Laden is dead
Yeahm'kay. Hey, Scandum, was it you who used to post birther crap on TMC, complete with hilarious Robert Ludlum fanfic about Secret Service agents showing up and hassling our hero over his unwillingness to die for the President (a service I had not previously heard of being required of civilians)? Or was that Samson? All you S-people look alike to me.

Samson 05-12-2011 07:33 PM

Re: Usama bin Laden is dead
Wasn't me. I can't even remember the last time I posted something on TMC.

Darren Brimhall 05-13-2011 11:57 PM

Re: Usama bin Laden is dead
And now for the next Bin Laden scandal...

Apparently they didn't hate the West as much as we thought.

Darren Brimhall

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