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7roc7 03-12-2004 08:17 PM

Hello. I am looking for someone with a good sense of RP. I am in the process of creating a RP enforced MUD that with have its own unique economy, player-run government, order and guild systems, and much more. We have a staff of 4 so far, and I need someone to RP a Goddess that is one of the main parts of the storyline. Also, I am looking for a talented writer, so if you have skills as that, it is also a plus. If you are interested, please send me an email( with the following application complete:

Female?(not necessary but favored)=
MUDs played before?
Any RP experiance on those MUDs?
Have you ever been an immortal before?
What MUD?
What position?
Would you like to be a writer?
At least 18?
If not how old?

That should be all. If you have any questions, include those in the email. Or you can log in and I'll survey you on there if I am around. (name is Vearon). Thank you!

Linnia 03-12-2004 08:46 PM

Having a website or telnet address would be a nice touch. No one applies for a job without some sense of who she'd be working for.

7roc7 03-12-2004 08:51 PM

7roc7 03-12-2004 08:52 PM

I see, told them they could log in without giving a telnet address. Whoops. Thank you for pointing that out. port 4001

Raeven 03-13-2004 11:23 AM

Yola, your add kinda caught my eye. Though I ain't gonna be able to help you out with your whole goddess thing, I pride myself in being a very RP adept person. I have never been an imm before, but I have played muds for long time and am very familiar with them. I have also done a bit of building in the past, not very experienced though.
I will drop by and see if you need any help. After all, five heads are better than four.

Sanvean 03-14-2004 01:19 AM

What's your reasoning behind preferring a female?

7roc7 03-14-2004 06:01 AM

Well I have someone for the job now, but the reason was because the character was female and it would be easier for them to get into the role. But since the role doesn't exactly require them to act feminine, I didn't make it necessary.

John 03-14-2004 07:35 AM

I wonder what the reaction would have been had everything remained the same, except it was for a god and it was preferred for the person to be male.

7roc7 03-14-2004 10:02 AM

I agree. It was not meant to be a sexist post, I just felt that since the character was a female, then it would be more fit to see a woman playing the role, but as I said, it was not a necessity. If the character had been male, then I would have preferred a male, but I would also have let a female take the part. It is not about their gender, it is about their ability to roleplay.

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