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MAJordan 04-03-2014 12:55 PM

Mud client protocol?
I am still very green to the MUD development and many flavors of M**s

While reading a lot of posts online and through this forum there are a few things I keep seeing which is never explained.

My questions are..

Are there or has there been any MUD servers which also supply client applications?

Is there a reason many MUD developers stick with the basic telnet client side?

Has there ever been a attempt to standardize a MUD protocol?

It seems most I see are built around telnet connections, having the clients be either very basic or 3rd party built.

I would think that a protocol even per distribution would be a natural next step.
Everything else has become a common protocol within ftp, http, smtp, ssl, imap, etc...

The benefits would/could be storage of information, better communication.
This could also be controlled by distributing binary sources only.

mudrammer 04-03-2014 03:32 PM

Re: Mud client protocol?
Perhaps you're thinking of the (MXP)?

There's also the , among others, that are more specific to a particular MUD.

A number of MUDs also have their own specialized native clients: Bedlam, Gemstone IV, etc, and many others have specialized web clients.

As a MUD client developer I am much more keen on generic protocols like MXP than game-specific ones like ATCP. Methinks MUDs should strive to work in as many clients as possible, although there are certainly benefits (and drawbacks) to releasing a client specific to your MUD.

(Edit: to be fair, ATCP is not necessarily specific to Achaea)

plamzi 04-03-2014 04:10 PM

Re: Mud client protocol?
There's also MSDP, MSSP, MCP. Google "mud protocol" and you will be well on your way.

ATCP2 is also known as GMCP. I prefer to use GMCP because it's basically JSON, not so much a protocol but a data-interchange format you can use to transmit any data you need to the client. The fact that it's JSON makes it very easy to parse in modern clients.

Quite a few custom clients have cropped up over the years, but the vast majority of MUDs don't even implement proper TELNET, let alone MUD protocols, let alone custom clients. KaVir's protocol snippet has made it easy for most Dikurivatives to add basic protocol support, but beyond that creating a UI requires a specialized set of skills.

A few months ago, I started , a site providing a cloud-based web app and a flexible framework for building custom MUD clients. Hopefully, as the bar gets lower and lower, we'll see more custom clients for more games.

KaVir 04-03-2014 04:57 PM

Re: Mud client protocol?
There are quite a few MUD protocols, with different degrees of standardisation, used by dozens if not hundreds of MUDs (and supported by the major clients). I actually created a snippet for the protocols I consider worth using (the only one I left out which I'd consider important is MCCP2) - see for details. I also wrote an article about using protocols to enhance the user interface in the last issue of Imaginary Realities, which you can read .

MAJordan 04-03-2014 07:08 PM

Re: Mud client protocol?
Thank you for all the information and links guys, this really helps!

the_logos 04-04-2014 02:28 AM

Re: Mud client protocol?
Come check out our client at (or client.aetolia, client.imperian, client.lusternia, client.midkemiaonline).

I think we have the best web-based client in MUDs, though I'm biased. We're constantly improving it, in any case.

plamzi 04-04-2014 09:51 AM

Re: Mud client protocol?
I'm biased as well, but I do think Iron Realms has the best web-based client *among commercial MUDs* :)

We're gonna keep you guys on your toes though!

Web technologies have made a huge leap in the past several years. I do believe the browser is going to be the new natural habitat for games like ours.

KaVir 04-04-2014 10:26 AM

Re: Mud client protocol?
I think all development along these lines, whether commercial or non-commercial, is good for mudding in general. It draws attention from the outside world, promotes cooperation between client and server developers, and encourages competition between games (which in turn encourages innovation).

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