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empressdonna 03-11-2010 12:17 PM

Hello all,

My name is Donna and I am sort of newish to MUDs. I did attempt to start playing one a while ago, but due to the lack of people there, I quickly lost interest in the game (and don't even remember when it was XD)

Anyway, I decided to join these forums to talk to other people who enjoy MUDs and hopefully find a new MUD that I can join and enjoy. Hope to post a lot and talk to all of you

- Donna

Dedwulf 03-11-2010 12:23 PM

Re: Hello!
Hello Donna!

Took me a bit to find a decent MUD with excellent roleplay, ease of use, and great staff to help beginners. I suggest coming to my home mud, New Worlds Ateraan at . The staff is super great, the game is terrific, the roleplay incredible, and there are normally a hundred or more players there. The only drawback might be that it is roleplay enforced if you don't like that sort of thing.

empressdonna 03-11-2010 02:42 PM

Re: Hello!
I don't mind if it is roleplay enforced, as I have done plenty of roleplays in the past (Mainly I have played on forums, but have also played by e-mail and when I was younger, played on instant messengers. Nowadays, I play on LiveJournal and currently I am branching out to play on mIRC). It shouldn't be that different to me, but I have to just get used to playing MUDs again, but I am sure people will help me all they can with anything I cannot remember.

I will definately have a look at the site and read other things before I decided though.

Thanks for suggesting it!

prof1515 03-11-2010 04:18 PM

Re: Hello!
Before any recommendation can really be made it would be helpful if you gave us a list of some of your preferences. What are you looking for in a game? What are you looking to avoid in a game?

There's also a search engine here as well as one on TMC that can probably be of as much if not more use to you than asking on the forums. Half the time, asking on the forums gets responses of games that don't meet the criteria you want. The search engines are still prone to occassional disappointment due to dishonest listings but scanning through that first, then asking for more information about the games that caught your eye might yield better results. Just a thought.

Good luck,


empressdonna 03-11-2010 06:03 PM

Re: Hello!
I am really looking for a game that has roleplay elements (enforced or not, either way is fine), is pretty newbie friendly and has a easy to understand character application.

To elaborate more, I don't mind writing out long winded applications and sending them by email to the owners of the MUD before I can join, but prefer not to.

prof1515 03-11-2010 09:22 PM

Re: Hello!
You're going to have about 400 games to choose from, a third of which are probably no longer open but still in the listings here or at TMC. Odds are any of the games likely to respond to this thread will meet your guidelines meaning it'll really come down to your reaction after trying them.

Again, good luck!


DonathinFrye 03-11-2010 10:06 PM

Re: Hello!
If you are interested in themes of mystery, survival horror and science fiction, you could take a look at Atonement. It is roleplaying enforced and prides itself on immersive roleplay. It has an easy/fun character application system, a wonderful community, but is a permanent death roleplaying game - which is to say that if your character dies, they will not be resurrected as is the case on most games. If you prefer that type of immersive experience, you'll find extremely friendly/helpful staff, amazing features to support your roleplay and a top-notch storyline to contribute to. You can check out the website at:

empressdonna 03-12-2010 04:06 PM

Re: Hello!
I will definately check it out, since other than what I said above, I am open to almost anything.

I am always willing for more suggestions though.

Milawe 03-13-2010 02:11 AM

Re: Hello!
Welcome, Empressdonna! Glad that you've found us and welcome to mudding in general.

I've got two suggestions for you:

Threshold is excellent for anyone new to mudding who enjoys a bit of roleplay. It's an extremely established game that's been running for 13 years. There's tons of player created history and tons of characters to interact with. Threshold has tons of clans and churches that are friendly and helpful. If you want a bit of a challenge, we've got some seedier clans and guilds that you can explore and try to join. If you want an established game and lots of players, check it out.

If you're interested in exploration and a brand new game, please try Primordiax. It's a tougher game but has plenty of fun features. Again, it also as a strong roleplaying background. Primordiax is not quite open just yet, but we have gone live. Feel free to poke around the website or our wiki, . I'll warn you that the game is very new, so things are pretty hard on the players right now as they build the economy. (They're really wanting crafters badly in Chemer!) If you want to help pave the way and enjoy being a ground-breaker, please join us.

Either way, glad to have you in the mudding circle. Bring your friends!

empressdonna 03-14-2010 09:43 AM

Re: Hello!
Thank you very much for your suggestions!

I will check them out when I can. I will try ask around my circle of friends and see who else is interested in MUDs, and get a few to join here if they want.

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