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Nymeria 10-01-2009 03:42 PM

Re: From MUDs to MUSHes: FAQs, etc for the players

While it is
unfortunate that you didn't find what you need, if you had read the first post on the thread it should have been pretty obvious that this thread was started to discuss what such a resource might contain. There are some useful answers, but they are spread out here and there in the posts, waiting to be gathered up and made into a cohesive unit.

No one made you read it.

misao 10-01-2009 03:49 PM

Re: From MUDs to MUSHes: FAQs, etc for the players
I agree 101% with this, and I deeply apologize for the few posts of mine that would have fallen under the 'sniping' category. I truly do wish that the MODs would be more stringent with out-of-topic posts, and perhaps remove the entire middle chunk from this thread (minus Kavir's insightful ones about code scattered here and there, though).

Orrin 10-01-2009 03:58 PM

Re: From MUDs to MUSHes: FAQs, etc for the players
Topic drift is often how a lot of useful and informative discussion takes place. While personal insults certainly have no place in debate I'd caution against a laissez faire attitude to post deletion as it can be just as stifling to discussion as the bickering which some of you find so offensive.

misao 10-01-2009 04:39 PM

Re: From MUDs to MUSHes: FAQs, etc for the players
Plenty of forums have no qualms deleting very evidently off-topic posts, and are none the worse for it.

You seem to imply that 'some of us' cannot stand bickering, as if it's a bad thing to dislike - why did you message me to request that I remove a certain post of mine, then? (Which I willingly did, as I too admit that it is wrong)

Orrin 10-01-2009 05:24 PM

Re: From MUDs to MUSHes: FAQs, etc for the players
My implication was only that one person's bickering may be another's robust debate. In this thread for example there have been some interesting points about how different people view role-playing despite the confrontational manner of some of the posts. I know I've gained some insights that I didn't have before, and that's surely the point of a discussion forum.

I didn't message you to remove the post, simply the part where you referred to another poster as "an arrogant prick" (or words to that effect, I forget the exact post now). It's certainly not my place to censor you and I was simply making a request that you disagree with someone without trading insults.

Jazuela 10-01-2009 05:31 PM

Re: From MUDs to MUSHes: FAQs, etc for the players
If the poster had actually checked the heading of this thread, they would have discovered it is -not- a FAQ file. It is a discussion, in a discussion forum, in a category for mud admins and developers, and that the topic is asking specifically to discuss what the differences are. Not to list the differences, but rather, to discuss them, in an attempt to create such a list, on behalf of one MUSH owner's website.

It sounds more to me like someone was sent here intentionally to stir the pot and accuse the people discussing this topic of sniping. Which - in forum terms, is called - trolling.

Delerak 10-01-2009 06:01 PM

Re: From MUDs to MUSHes: FAQs, etc for the players
What the hell are you talking about? You register and your very first post is bashing people who are in a heated debate over MUSH and MUD for posting our thoughts and opinions?

It's a forum. This thread isn't meant to be compiled as one great source of information or a "FAQ" because that's why it's a thread being discussed instead of a topic that is locked and stickied.

There is a difference between a thread for discussion and a thread posted with no responses that is a community-wide accepted definition or FAQ.

Delerak 10-01-2009 06:07 PM

Re: From MUDs to MUSHes: FAQs, etc for the players
I didn't notice Jazuela post before me. Pretty much said what I was saying in a more refined manner. Either way.

MudMann 10-01-2009 06:12 PM

Re: From MUDs to MUSHes: FAQs, etc for the players

I do not think for one second someone who clearly is counting the lost mins of their lunch break would take the time to pen such a lengthy post on a forum they are new too.. it makes zero sense. And as to agreeing with it 101% and appologising.. please... if you are so grossly unhappy here.. why carry on posting.

So come on.. which of you complainers has joined under another name to make some kind of stupid point... and in SUCH a foul colour!

Delerak 10-01-2009 06:14 PM

Re: From MUDs to MUSHes: FAQs, etc for the players
Thankfully the MODs here actually know how to moderate a forum and don't censor everything and create a community of yes men/women. Variety in opinion is what makes TMS a place to discuss anything about MUDs.

Newworlds 10-01-2009 06:30 PM

Re: From MUDs to MUSHes: FAQs, etc for the players
While it was very harsh to look at, I think Misao has a valid concern about keeping things civil here in order to encourage more members. She certainly didn't make that post.

Lasher 10-01-2009 06:55 PM

Re: From MUDs to MUSHes: FAQs, etc for the players
There's a fine line between letting the community have open discussion and removing posts that deteriorate into a "flame war".

We won't always be on the right side of it. If we have the balance right, at any point in time probably about 50% of the forum agrees that we (a) moderate too much (b) don't moderate enough :)

Nymeria 10-02-2009 04:23 AM

Re: From MUDs to MUSHes: FAQs, etc for the players
I admit, I had to restrain myself from commenting on the colour. ;)

Delerak 10-02-2009 04:39 AM

Re: From MUDs to MUSHes: FAQs, etc for the players
I think it should depend on the thread and forum in question. Certain topics are going to bring more heated debate than others. If somebody is blatantly posting harmful things in harmless categories such as the advertisement areas, then moderating is probably necessary.

misao 10-02-2009 04:45 AM

Re: From MUDs to MUSHes: FAQs, etc for the players
You clearly need to learn to read. When did I mention I was 'grossly unhappy' here?

I simply agreed that many posts here were evidently quite off-topic and apologized for my share in them. If that somehow offends you, I think you need some serious self-examination. Either that, or I must have somehow stepped on your or your other handle's toes sometime in the past.

Lasher, I agree with you as well - it's impossible to please everyone, and everyone has different opinions on how much censorship should be performed.

Delerak 10-02-2009 04:46 AM

Re: From MUDs to MUSHes: FAQs, etc for the players
He wasn't referring to you, he was referring to Veela. Far as I can tell. You're definitely one of the more sensitive posters though.

KaVir 10-02-2009 04:49 AM

Re: From MUDs to MUSHes: FAQs, etc for the players
Some quick points:

1. This is a discussion forum, not an FAQ. Did you not notice that the link you clicked to get here was in the section entitled "Recent Forum Discussions"?

2. It is poor netiquette to post without first reading the thread, because the chances are your post will be irrelevant or redundant, and thus waste the time of other readers. If you'd taken the time to read the guidelines at the top of this forum then you'd have known that - as well as what to expect from this thread.

3. You don't need to sign up to read the discussions. In fact, the recommendation to sign up would have appeared on the same page as the discussion itself, so if you saw that notice then you were already viewing this thread. The first line of the first post makes it clear that this is a discussion and not an FAQ.

4. People disagree on a wide range of subjects, and sometimes they aren't very nice to each other. Welcome to the internet. Thick skin isn't optional.

5. That colour is disgusting. If you post again, I would hope you'd show a little more consideration (and better manners) in general, but that colour really has to go.

MudMann 10-02-2009 09:09 AM

Re: From MUDs to MUSHes: FAQs, etc for the players
you have a gift for understatement......

Ok.. I think the magenta complainer may have left the building,... back on topic please :)

Wasnt a Veela the creature the bulgarians used as mascots in the Quidditch World Final (Harry Potter)... was all nice and sweet, but when they were unhappy they screeched like harpies? The world is full of wonderful coincidences

prof1515 10-02-2009 10:05 AM

Re: From MUDs to MUSHes: FAQs, etc for the players
Likely they meant the fact that you have to sign up to post and somewhere in between selecting the worst color text they possibly could and fuming that they can't just criticize anonymously they forgot that and wrote that they had to sign up to read.

The question is, will they read these responses or are they at their local McDonalds complaining, "Where is the cereal? You call this a grocery store?!?"

Veela 10-02-2009 11:24 AM

Re: From MUDs to MUSHes: FAQs, etc for the players
Well Hello Again,

I was not going to come back here as I did not find it as helpful as I had liked. I however had minimized the window and when I got on the computer later; I started looking at other links listed on the site and found some very useful. I had intended to come back into this forum and state just that. That your site had given me information that was both useful and pertanent to my search.

However instead I find an amazing amount of slams sent in my direction. With accusations that I am not really a new member or was only making a post to "stir the pot". Well I would like to answer some of these statements.

But first as to the color I use. This is my signature color for my signature bard Veela. A little information about me. I am a female mudder who has been RPing for around 10 years and was introduced to mudding by my husband. Yes there are real life female mudders and we conduct our characters a little different as should be expected. It has been my past experience that people embrace differences in the mudding world as it adds flavor to the tapestry that is their realms. Apparently web sites talking about mudding are less tolerant of an individual's expressive style.

As to the slam about my character name and attributes thank you for noticing. I chose the name for exactly that purpose as the Veela in the book entice the men around them by their beauty and completely distract them from their evil temperment. As I play a surface bardie that has a secret afiliation to a passle of orcs, drows, duergers and goblins the irony tickled me as well.

As to the comments on needing to register, that was EXACTLY the impression I had. I clicked this link and started to read the posting when a box came up and said that to have full access to member posting areas that I would need to register. So I did. Pardon me for thinking there was a reason for the pop up message.

As to the part about etiquette. I have learned something today. I do not participate in forum discussions and did not know how they even worked and wasn't sure even how to post a comment. Scoff if you must, but that is a truthful statement none the less. As I originally came on to say, once I came back and scrolled down there was some valid information that gave me additional insight as to the world of the admin wizards located just beyond the curtain. So if I had offended by posted before reading I am sorry and will keep that in mind should I enter into anymore forum discussions.

However the orignal point of my post is very valid. I did not think that it would be a cut and dried list of FAQ's but that it would be a give and take on what their content should be. And in that give and take there would be solid information about MUD and MUSH content, similarities and differences. I still maintain that if this is the content heading of your topic of discussion that the majority of posts should fall under that heading. And as I stated, that a NEW thread could have been started to address the other concerns. I must also admit that I found my original assumption to be true. There is some very solid information about these differences in the posts here, but again you had to wade through a large amount of bickering to get to the meat of it.

If your desire is to increase the number of new members to your site then you might try to be a little more welcoming to those that do show up and actually post something. Your next new visiter scanning posts is going to see how you treated this one and an impression is going to be made. You need to ask yourself is this the impression that you want them to get.


Just in case there is still some doubt as to my validity as a seperate entity from others you can email me at .

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