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Fifi 03-12-2010 07:55 AM

Re: "Feels like a book" (for e-readers or against?)
If I only ever traveled by car, I probably would not have gotten an ereader. But as a commuter, I have to say they are better than sliced bread, on a bus. I love my kindle.

As for the display, my complaint about kindle is I would like more contrast between the gray page and the black ink - ie lighter page / darker text.

Newworlds 03-14-2010 10:57 AM

Re: "Feels like a book" (for e-readers or against?)
I've heard that from others. I do like it, though I don't own it. I was sitting next to someone on a plane two months ago with one and got to see how it worked. Pretty nifty. I thought they were coming out with a new one with better display control?

Realedazed 03-14-2010 12:55 PM

Re: "Feels like a book" (for e-readers or against?)
I approached my husband about this and we both wouldn't mind owning an ebook. He can reads about 10x faster than I do (he has more time for some reason), so he can go through alot of books quickly. We both have ereader apps on our G1s, which work out fine so far.

Another thing me mentioned to me is the e-ink technology is getting better and better. Its supposed to be crisp and readable now, but only in black, white and a wide range of what's in between. Next year sometime, they are introducing colored e-ink, which he is very excited about. If he can read comics and graphic novels on an e-reader, we will definately be getting a pair.

scandum 03-14-2010 03:59 PM

Re: "Feels like a book" (for e-readers or against?)
I'm pro e-book, I rarely read a book more than once, so it seems like a waste of paper, resources, and space to me.

Avasyu 03-14-2010 07:43 PM

Re: "Feels like a book" (for e-readers or against?)
I have the Sony Reader. Use it everyday, love it to death. I even repurchased books I own hard copies for because I prefer the ebook so much more now. I was originally skeptical because I love the feel, size, and even the smell of a book. Not sure I could survive without that reader anymore though.

Vesper 06-08-2010 11:45 AM

Re: "Feels like a book" (for e-readers or against?)
I'm neither for or against, really. What I know is this: I absolutely cannot sit at my computer and read a novel on a website. Just can't do it. Bad for the eyes and it just seems boring and mechanical, no matter how good the story is.

Now, I do own a smart phone (Palm Pre Plus), which allows me to read "books" which are mostly free to download. It does look pretty cool and I have dabbled with 20 Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, but I'd only read something like that on my phone if I was stuck in an airport and didn't have a physical book in my hands.

My dream is to have a den/library in my home, bookshelves lining the walls and filled with hundreds of my favorite books.

Hell, maybe I'll smoke a pipe in there, too!

So while I understand that e-readers are just further progress in this 21st century, I still can't give up a good physical book in my hands.

Tristan1992 06-09-2010 12:08 PM

Re: "Feels like a book" (for e-readers or against?)
I do not own a e-reader (or any tech newer than about 2002). I like real books, the feel and smell of them. I like the way the pages sound when riffled. On the other hand I can't be certain I would not like an e-reader. I've been reading text off screens since 1982 so I doubt it would bother me in any way. I've read a few books on my computer though. But since these were in text or PDF format (the latter being more pleasant) I don't think it is the same as an e-reader. PDF's do at least retain the pagination so I presume it is a similar experience. Mainly I like to read books in bed. So I think that's the main thing speaking against computers or e-readers (I presume they're portable little things like the PDA's mobile phones). Hmmm, yes I suppose it would be readable in bed, an e-reader that is, so I guess I don't know. Someone buy me one! I'll let you know! ;-)

p.s. Vesper you'd love my room. The walls are lined with shelves full of books!

Violette 06-09-2010 08:00 PM

Re: "Feels like a book" (for e-readers or against?)
Care to share a picture, please!? *salivating* :)

Vesper 06-09-2010 09:58 PM

Re: "Feels like a book" (for e-readers or against?)
Yeah, now that's what I'm talking about! Love to see it!

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