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3Kingdoms - MUD Details
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MUD Name 3Kingdoms
Telnet Address
Language English
Location USA
Admin Name Tensor - Rastafan - Rumor - Sorva
Theme Not just Fantasy, but Sci-fi and Chaos intermixed
Brief Desc Welcome friend! Come immerse yourself in one of the largest and most advanced online games in existence. With over 500 areas, a plethora of quests to choose from and many incredibly themed guilds, 3Kingdoms offers you endless worlds of adventure!
Date Added 5th June, 2001
Codebase Lp MUD - Highly modified
World Size Gigantic (20001+ rooms)
World Originality Mostly Original
Player Killing Restricted Playerkilling
Roleplaying Accepted
Online Status Fully Operational
Category Medieval Fantasy
Ranking Category Resources
Avg Players Online Over 100
Year Created 1992
Vote URL
  • Supports ANSI Color
  • Has Quests
  • Class-less System
  • Level Based System
  • Has Clans/Cabals
  • Accepts Reviews
  • Free to Play

3Kingdoms - MUD Description
3Kingdoms is a colossal adventure through which years of continual, active development has grown to be arguably the largest and most advanced online role playing game in existence. Based around the mighty town of Pinnacle, three main realms beckon the player to explore. These kingdoms are known as: Fantasy, a vast medieval realm full of orcs, elves, dragons, and other mythical creatures; Science, a post-apocalyptic, war-torn world set in the not-so-distant future; and Chaos, a transient realm where the enormous realities of Fantasy and Science collide to produce creatures so bizarre that they have yet to be categorized.

During their exploration of the realms, players have the opportunity to join any of over a dozen different guilds. These guilds, like the Necromancers, the Juggernauts, the Knights or the Breed, allow the player to become part of a group and gives them a place to socialize with other players. Guilds also grant special powers, unique to each guild, to the player, furthering their abilities as they explore the vast expanses of each realm.

To challenge the player, 3Kingdoms offers them the chance to complete wondrous quests, not unlike the legendary Quest for the Holy Grail. These quests, scattered throughout the realms (and even across them in some cases), tax the player's intellect as he or she attempt to solve puzzles, find hidden items, explore dank caverns, and even take on mighty foes to complete the quest and receive the treasured prize.

3Kingdoms combines all these features, and so much more, to give the player an experience that will live with them for the rest of their lives.

Come live the adventure!

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